
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:monowing
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一、选择良种。选择熟性早、耐低温弱光、抗病、生长势强、产量高的一代杂种。如津杂二号、津春二号、新泰密刺等。二、培育优质壮苗。采取大棚内套小拱棚、苗床内铺地热线、营养钵育苗等方法。1、精细配制床土。选用未种过瓜类蔬菜的菜园表土和充分腐熟的农家肥、草木灰,按照5:4:1的比例混和,再每立方米加入2-3公斤过磷酸钙,然后充分混匀,打细过筛。2、种子消毒处理。将种子倒入60-70℃温开水中,不断地搅 First, choose a good seed. Select the mature early, low temperature and weak light, disease resistance, strong growth potential, high yield generation hybrids. Such as Tsudamu on the 2nd, Tsu Chun II, Xintai sting and so on. Second, cultivate strong seedlings. Shed small shed to take the greenhouses, nursery beds within the hotline, nutrition Bowl nursery and other methods. 1, fine preparation bed soil. Selection of unwasted vegetable garden topsoil and fully decomposed manure, ash, in accordance with the ratio of 5: 4: 1, and then add 2-3 kg per cubic meter of superphosphate, and then mix thoroughly, carefully screen. 2, seed disinfection. Pour the seeds into warm water at 60-70 ℃ and stir constantly
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1 栽培方式建园技术桃是喜肥、喜沙质土壤的果树,匍匐栽培桃园也应以土壤深厚的沙壤土为宜。定植桃以80cm×80cm 的大坑为好,大坑定植对桃树早成形、早丰产有重要作用。目前
阿魏蘑(Pleurotus eryngii)味道鲜美,营养丰富,多糖及氨基酸含量很高,具有很好的保健功能,在新疆被当作滋补佳品,出菇整齐且只采收一潮,适于工厂化栽培。本文简要介绍其生产