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据一家机构调查,中年夫妇中仍然感到婚姻满意的只占6%,明显不满意的则高达20%。调查发现,不少中年男子患有“感情饥饿症”。传统的认识,男子为刚,女子为柔。男子应该是铮铮铁汉,大情大义,耻于温情和儿女情长。因此,许多妻子把情感倾注于子女的成长,而对丈夫,顶多是在生活上给予关怀。结果,不少中年男子便患上了“感情饥饿症。” 其实,男子外表固然刚强,但内心和女人一样有着丰富的情感。看悲剧时,女人嘤嘤地哭,其实男子也在哭,不过眼泪往心里流。男子一面是刚强,另一面是柔弱,因此,他们也需要脉脉温情。中年男子,经验丰富,精力充沛,经受来自各个方面的压力和考验。他们在外劳累一天,回到家里,身心都感到疲倦,这时,他需要的不仅仅是生活上的关怀,更渴望妻子如水的柔情。所以,如果妻子在这时为他播放一些轻柔的音乐;或者给他讲一些幽默笑话;或者耐心聆听他的牢骚,然后款款细说, According to a survey conducted by one institution, only 6% of middle-aged couples still feel happy about their marriage, while those who are obviously dissatisfied are as much as 20%. The survey found that many middle-aged men suffer from “emotional hunger.” The traditional understanding of men as just, the woman is soft. Men should be clasping Tiehan, big romance, shame on tenderness and affection. As a result, many wives devoted their emotions to the growth of their children, and to their husbands, at most care in life. As a result, many middle-aged men suffer from “emotional hunger.” In fact, the male appearance is certainly strong, but the heart and women have the same rich emotions. When looking at the tragedy, a woman crying, in fact, men are crying, but tears flow to the heart. Men are strong on one side and weak on the other, so they also need warmth. Middle-aged man, experienced, energetic, withstand the pressure and test from all aspects. At a time when they are tired from home and returned to their homes, they are tired of body and mind. At this moment, they need more than the care of life, but also the tenderness of their wives, such as water. So, if the wife plays some soft music for him at this time, or give him some humorous jokes, or patiently listen to his grievances, and then elaborate,
本文介绍了翻转冷床的运动机构和齿形,齿形参数的计算,以及运动轨迹的修正等。可供冷床设计者参考。 This article describes the reversing cooling bed movement mechanis