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目的了解大学生对伤害的可预防性认知及相关预防知识需求情况。方法采用分层整群抽样方法抽取中南大学三大类专业12个班级的本科生作为调查对象,对其有关常见伤害的可预防性认知情况及伤害预防知识需求情况进行问卷调查。结果对于淹死、道路交通伤害、烧烫伤和自杀/自残等伤害超过80%(605/684、601/684、591/684)的大学生认为“大多数可以预防”;但仅有59.6%(408/684)和56.4%(386/684)的学生认为大多数意外刀/锐器伤、谋杀/他人殴打可以预防;除中毒外,不同专业大学生对常见伤害可预防性认知差异无显著性(P>0.05);既往参加过伤害培训的大学生有124人、占18.1%,既往阅读过伤害相关书籍的大学生有191人,占27.9%;分别有60%(410/684)和56%(383/684)的大学生对中毒和道路交通伤害预防知识表现出了需求意愿。结论大学生对伤害可预防性认识不够,对伤害知识需求意愿强烈。 Objective To understand the college students’ awareness of preventable injuries and their related knowledge of prevention needs. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to select undergraduates from 12 major classes of three major types of Central South University as subjects to conduct a questionnaire survey on the preventive cognition and injuries prevention knowledge about common injuries. Results Students who harmed more than 80% (605 / 684,601 / 684,591 / 684) of drowning, road traffic injuries, burns, suicidals, and self-mutilations felt that “most were preventable” but only 59.6% (408/684) and 56.4% (386/684) considered that most accidental knife / sharp injuries and murder / assault were preventable. In addition to poisoning, there was no significant difference in preventable cognition of common injuries among different majors (P> 0.05). There were 124 college students (18.1%) who had participated in injury training and 191 (27.9%) college students who had previously read books related to injury; 60% (410/684) and 56% (383/684) of college students showed a desire for poisoning and road traffic injury prevention knowledge. Conclusions The undergraduates’ awareness of the preventability of injury is not enough, and the willingness to hurt knowledge is strong.
我笑着说:“车子买回家,每天擦洗,一个星期打蜡,及时换黄油,到了里程数就去4S店保养,一保、二保、三保,如果你们像保养车一样保养婚姻,我想,那婚姻绝对是很幸福的。”  表姐的婚姻前阵子亮了红灯,两个人常常为了鸡毛蒜皮的事,吵得不可开交。表姐不止一次对我说:“他越来越不爱我了,根本就无视我的存在,可能我们的婚姻就此到头了。”  表姐和表姐夫是自由恋爱,两人经历了很多波折才在一起。因为家境贫困,两个人
精神药品(psychotropic substances)是指直接作用于中枢神经系统,使之兴奋或抑制,连续使用能产生依赖性的药品,依据对人体产生的依赖性和危害人体健康的程度,分为第一类和第
一、1999年俄罗斯经济形势趋好 1998年是俄罗斯政府的“反危机年”。俄经济危机程度相当严重,已超过了1929—1933年西方的大萧条时期。危机的主要表现是工农业生产的大幅度
AIM: To study the local hemorrhagic activity of a fibrinolytic enzyme (FIIa) from Agkistrodon acutus venom and its mechanism. METHODS: The local hemorrhagic ac