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1982年12月4日,五届全国人大第五次会议通过了现行宪法——1982年宪法(以下简称82宪法)。30年来,在中国社会的发展进程中,82宪法不仅奠定了国家治理的正当性基础,同时确立了国家与社会的价值观与目标,推动了中国社会的发展与进步。可以说,30年来中国社会的发展是通过宪法治理而实现的。作为国家的根本法,宪法实施是社会发展与进步的基础,直接关系着国家基本政治架构的运作,也关系着公民基本权利的实现与保障。科学发展观作为党的第四代领导集体治国理政的理念,所强调的是以人为本,离开以人为本这一核心价值,科学发展观将成为无源之水、无本之木。因此从本质上而言,科学发展观与宪法精神高度契合。深入贯彻落实科学发展观,必然要求严格遵守宪法,有效保障宪法实施。在82宪法颁布实施30周年之际,本刊记者特别采访了中国宪法学研究会会长、中国人民大学教授韩大元。 December 4, 1982, the Fifth Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress adopted the current Constitution - the 1982 Constitution (hereinafter referred to as the 82 Constitution). In the course of the development of Chinese society over the past 30 years, the Constitution of 82 has not only laid the legitimate foundation for state governance, but also established the values ​​and goals of the country and society and promoted the development and progress of Chinese society. It can be said that 30 years of development of Chinese society is achieved through constitutional governance. As the fundamental law of the country, the implementation of the Constitution is the basis for the development and progress of the society. It is directly related to the operation of the basic political structure of the country and to the realization and guarantee of the basic rights of citizens. The concept of scientific development, which is the concept of governing the country and administrating politics by the fourth generation of the leading collective of the party, emphasizes the people-oriented principle and the people-centered core value. The scientific outlook on development will become a water without a source and without foundation. Therefore, in essence, the scientific concept of development and the spirit of the constitution is highly compatible. To thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development inevitably requires strict compliance with the Constitution and effective implementation of the Constitution. At the 30th anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the Constitution of 82, our correspondents interviewed Han Dayuan, the president of China Constitutional Law Research Institute and professor of Renmin University of China.
府罗将相,路侠槐卿。  戶封八县,家给千兵。  【注释】  1.罗:排列,罗列。  2.侠:同“夹”。  3.槐卿:在这里泛指大臣。  【译文】  宫廷内将相依次排成两列,宫廷外大夫公卿夹道站立。他们每家都有八县以上的封地,还有上千名的侍卫武装。  【小故事】  汉高祖刘邦能得到天下,谋士萧何的功劳是很大的。萧何本来是一个县衙的小官,很有智谋。跟随刘邦后,他为刘邦出谋划策,并帮助刘邦夺取了天下。 