百舸争流千帆立 职教模式竞创新

来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tdj_zhj
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2014年6月27日,由教育部联合天津市人民政府、工信部、人社部等30家部委、企事业单位共同举办的全国职业院校技能大赛在天津主赛场落下帷幕。回望整届比赛,亮点频现,异彩纷呈,主赛场如火如荼,分赛区激情飞扬,这里是职教莘莘学子切磋技艺、展示梦想的舞台,这里是职业学校交流借鉴、检验成果的平台,这里也是行业企业群英荟萃、博采众长的盛会。技能竞赛制度是我国职业教育发展的一项重大制度创新,开展职业教育技能竞赛活动是促进技术技能人才成长、检验职业教育人才培养成果的有效 On June 27, 2014, the National Vocational College Skills Competition, jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the 30 ministries and commissions and enterprises including the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, came to an end in Tianjin’s main stadium. Looking back at the entire competition, highlights frequently, colorful, the main stadium in full swing, sub-Division passionate, here is vocational education students learn skills, show the dream stage, here is the vocational school to learn from, test results platform Is also a gathering of industry and business people, absorbing the grand event. Skill competition system is a major institutional innovation in the development of vocational education in our country. To carry out the vocational education skill competition is to promote the growth of technical and skill talents and test the effectiveness of vocational education personnel training
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This study investigated the efficacy of the Task-based instruction for improving students’ understanding and awareness of stress and tone. 23 learners made up
VEGF是肿瘤血管形成的一个重要促进因子 ,在肺癌的瘤体生长和转移中起重要作用 ,可以作为判断预后的一个指标。肺癌的CT增强程度与其瘤体的微血管密度呈正相关 ,与VEGF表达的
 临床资料患者 ,女 ,46岁。因双膝、踝关节疼痛 2月余 ,持续高热 6d后于 1998年 12月 12日入院。患者于 1998年 9月底无明显诱因出现双膝、踝关节肿痛 ,曾到县医院诊断为“风
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一、隐性课程的涵义及其特点隐性课程(hidden curriculum),也有学者称为隐蔽课程、潜在课程、内隐课程、隐含课程、无形课程、非正式课程、非正规课程等,这一概念是由美国教