科学有效训练 拥有魅力语言

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《语文课程标准》中要求学生“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神”。口语交际能力的培养是一种综合能力的训练,既能从语言文字方面训练学生识文断字,又能从思想认识方面训练学生积极思维,为今后的学习、工作和生活奠定良好的交际基础。口语交际表达训练既要以教材为凭据,又不能拘泥于书本,让学生在生活中学习,在口语的实践中练习语言表达,体会语言的魅力。 In the Chinese Curriculum Standard, students are required to have the basic ability of daily oral communication, to learn to listen, express and communicate in various communication activities, to learn how to communicate and socialize civilizedly, and to develop a cooperative spirit. The training of oral communicative competence is a kind of comprehensive ability training, which not only can train students to recognize Chinese characters and characters from the aspect of language, but also can train students’ positive thinking from the aspects of ideology and lay a good foundation for future study, work and life . Oral communicative expression training should not only rely on the teaching materials as a proof, but also not rigidly adhere to the book, let students learn in life, practicing the language expression in oral practice, experience the charm of language.
古典概型是初等概率论中最基本的内容之一,解决古典概型题一般分两个步骤:第一步是选取适当的样本空间Ω,使它满足有限、等可能的要求,且把所研究事件 A 表示为样本空间Ω的
介绍某电厂130t/h锅炉沾污结渣的有关试验情况、原因分析及改进措施。 Describes the related experimental conditions, cause analysis and improvement measures of the f
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JUVENILE crime is on the rise and has become a problem for schools, parents and society at large. According to the latest investigation and analysis by the pub