The size of a country is very different from its economic performance and status. Therefore, the international community is more interested in big powers than smaller ones. The main indicator of the size of a country is the population, which includes the population and density, but the size of the geographical area is also important, linked to the number and nature of natural resources. According to the empirical analysis of different sample countries, it shows that the more a country has a larger population, the lower the share of foreign trade in the country’s GDP. Economies of scale are generally regarded as the main reason for the low proportion of large-scale foreign trade. Large countries have a huge market and many economies can enjoy the benefits of economies of scale. In a world full of international trade constraints, the success of large economies in achieving economies of scale is easier than that of small ones. Relatively speaking, the capital and human resources of major powers are more efficiently invested. In the area of income distribution, large countries differ more than small ones. While the direct linkages between economy and country size are small, the size of the country does affect the economy, including its impact on economic structure and economic performance.