杜仲 开上汽车,很过瘾,有尊严

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从拄起双拐到开上残疾人机动车,争取驾驶汽车权利,早就成为残疾人群体的强烈呼声。我们残疾人早就应该能驾驶汽车了!漫长的等待过程中,我国东北一些城市已有企业在改装残疾人专用汽车,因为天气寒冷,众多残疾人已由开残疾人机动车过渡到开汽车。在东北一些城市带残疾人汽车专用标志的汽车上路,也被公安交通部门默许。从开上小汽车到开上高级轿车,是最近几年的事。支撑这个市场的,是千百万政治、经济地位已今非昔比的中国残疾人。 From crutches to motor vehicles for people with disabilities, driving for motor vehicles has long been a strong voice for the disabled community. People with disabilities should have been able to drive their cars for a long time! During the long waiting process, some cities in the northeast of our country have refurbished private cars for handicapped people. Because of the cold weather, many people with disabilities have already made the transition from driving disabled vehicles to driving cars. In some cities in the northeast with cars with a sign for the disabled car on the road, but also acquiesced in public security traffic department. From the car to the limousine, it has been in recent years. The support for this market is the millions of disabled people in China who have become politically and economically unscrupulous.
目的 分析白细胞计数/平均血小板体积(white blood cell count to mean platelet volume ratio,WMR)与急性脑梗死(acute cerebral infarction,ACI)患者近期预后的关系.方法