,Sub-Wavelength Near-Field Metal Detection using an On-Chip Spintronic Technique

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu7605136
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A spintronic near-field microwave imaging system without vector network analyzers is used to detect the distribution of microwaves,which are scattered by a sub-wavelength periodical metal wire grating.An ultra thin metal body with diameter of 100 μm (λ/300) is observed by imaging illuminated by a 10GHz shining source.An application with high sensitivity and resolution detection is proposed in the microwave region under a weak applied exteal static magnetic field.
Based on the non-equilibrium Greens method and density functional theory,we investigate the electronic transport properties of teary heterostructures based on c
Metal-insulator-semiconductor back contact has been employed for a perovskite organic lead iodide hetero junction solar cell,in which an ultrathin Al2O3 film as
文章分析土木类施工课程的教学方法和改革的现状,指出存在的基本问题,提出尝试新的教学方法——练功场教学法,阐明实施的基本思路。 This paper analyzes the teaching meth
改革开放40年,江西职业教育为经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。  党的十一届三中全会以来,我省启动了以发展中等职业教育为重点的教育结构改革的宏伟工程,一批普通中學改为职业学校或增设职业班,大部分县级“共大分校”改办成农业中学,有关厅局新办一批普通中专和技工学校,全省职业教育获得了更好的改革和发展环境。在领导体制方面,成立由副省长任组长的职业教育工作领导小组,突出政府发展职业教育的职责;在培养模式方面,
1982年,我在江西省教育厅高教处任副处长,曾到教育部高等学校干部进修班华东师范大学班学习4个月。这个班由教育部委托华东师大举办,以华东地区高校处级干部为培训对象。我们这一期是第二期,大家戏称“黄埔二期”。  一  华东师大当年拥有当时高校最大最美的校园。进修班学员被安排在第四宿舍,虽然4人一间,但都是研究生宿舍,且在研究生食堂用餐,生活方便,环境安静。学校为进修班配备了很强的师资力量和管理团队。
水浮莲(Pistia stratiotes L.)用分株和种子进行繁殖。用种子繁殖,如缺乏经验则保存不易,发芽困难,生长慢。通常用种苗分株繁殖。但在华东地区,水浮莲不能在自然条件下过冬,
Significant reduction of the bulk resistivity in a ferroelectric Pb(Zro.45 Tio.55)O3 thin film is observed before the remnant polarization started to decrease n
Using the time-dependent multilevel approach and the B-spline technique,populations of Rydberg lithium atoms in chirped microwave pulses are demonstrated.Firstl
Natural connectivity has been recently proposed to efficiently characterize the structural robustness of complex networks.The natural connectivity,interpreted a