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同行问我,你们对上供稿工作是怎样上去的?我说一是河北省广播电台的关照,二是兄弟台的承让。大家笑了。其实这是客观原因。要做好对上供稿工作在主观上须多一点开放意识、务实意识和研究意识。 多一点开放意识。大家常说,改革的时代呼唤着广播的改革,开放的时代呼唤着广播的开放。广播宣传的开放应从两个方面理解,一是扩大新闻来源,广闻博采,把全国全省的重要新闻吸收到我们的节目中来。二是把当地新闻推到全省乃至全国去。广播的开放需要我们改变过去画地为 My colleagues asked me, how are you going to work on the contribution? I said that one is taking care of radio stations in Hebei Province and the other is the assignment of Brother Taiwan. Everyone laughed. In fact, this is an objective reason. To do a good job on the subjective work to be a little more open-minded, pragmatic awareness and research awareness. A little more open-minded. As we often say, the era of reform calls for the reform of broadcasting. The era of opening up calls for the opening of broadcasting. The publicity of radio and television should be understood in two ways. First, we should expand the source of news sources, make extensive and extensive news coverage, and bring the important news of the entire province to our programs. The second is to push the local news to the province and the country. The opening of the radio needs us to change the past for the painting
采用AM1方法 ,对3-(6-溴吡啶-2)-2-(2-氟-6-氯苯)-噻唑酮-4(BPFCTZO)进行了量子化学计算,给出了分子的几何构型、原子的净电荷、键级、前沿分子轨道组成与能级、前沿轨道电子
Health is important to everyone.As a middle school student,having a healthy body can make us stay happier and study better.Do you want to know how to keep healt
As we all know,our environment is getting worse.What should we do?We are going to make the subway better.Then people don’t have to drive to work.We should plan