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素质,心理学上指人的先天的解剖生理特点,主要是感觉器官和神经系统方面的特点。素质只是人的心理发展的生理条件,不能决定人的心理的内容和发展水平。人的心理来源于社会实践,素质也是在社会实践中逐渐发育和成熟起来的。因此,人的心理素质是通过长期的社会实践而形成的具有思想性的性格特征。品质,是一定的社会关系体现在人们的行为和活动中的一种稳定性的因素。党委书记的素质与品质(泛指党的政治工作领导干部,简称政工干部),是指从事思想政治工作的人员所应具备的,对新时期下做好思想政治工作具有决定的意义。总结近年来各级党委在思想政治工作的经验,笔者认为政工干部在素质上要做到“五有”:一是有较扎实的理论根底和较高的思想政策水平;二是有本行业所应具备的专业知识和实际工作经验;三是有较为广博的知识;四是有较强的调查研究和分析问题的能力;五是有一定的行业政治工作实际经验。总结长期以来开展思想政治工作的实践,笔者感到政工干部的素质和品质可概括为七个方面。 Quality, psychology refers to the human anatomical and physiological characteristics of the innate, mainly sensory organs and nervous system features. Quality is only the psychological conditions of human development, can not determine the content and level of development of human psychology. Human psychology comes from social practice, quality is gradually developed and matured in social practice. Therefore, the psychological quality of a person is a ideological character formed through long-term social practice. Quality is a certain factor in the stability of social relations embodied in people’s behavior and activities. The quality and quality of Party committee secretaries (refers to the leading cadres in the political work of the Party for short) refer to the qualifications that personnel engaged in ideological and political work should have and make a decision on doing ideological and political work under the new situation. Summarizing the experience of party committees at all levels in ideological and political work in recent years, I believe that political and cadres in quality should achieve “five have ”: First, there is a more solid theoretical foundation and a higher level of ideological and policy; second is a Industry should have the professional knowledge and practical work experience; Third, there is a more extensive knowledge; Fourth, there is a strong ability to investigate and analyze problems; Fifth, there is a certain degree of industry practical experience in political work. To sum up the practice of carrying out ideological and political work for a long time, I feel that the qualities and qualities of political cadres can be summed up in seven aspects.
证明标准是证据制度的核心,证明标准的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文通过分析证明标准的内涵、属性以及理论学说从而提出了证明标准在学理理论层面的确立。 The proof
【巴菲特告青年人】1.如果你想人生多彩多姿,试着学所有有兴趣的事;2.感觉迷失不是你迷路了,而是找到正途前的必然之 【Buffett to the young people】 1. If you want colo