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一代开宗大师、现代新儒学思潮的哲学奠基人熊十力,从小就牛气冲天,狂傲不羁:三十五岁那年弃政从文,师从欧阳竟无大师研习佛法:经过十年的思考与积累,终于完成他在学术上的扛鼎之作《新唯识论》。书的署名非常狂——“黄冈熊十力造”;此书一出版,即刻引起了佛学界特别是同门师友们的激烈攻击,连老师欧阳也严加斥责,但熊十力坚持己见: The founder of a generation, the founder of the philosophy of modern Neo-Confucianism Xiong Shili, childhood arrogant, arrogant unruly: 35-year-old abandonment from the text, teacher from Ouyang actually no master to study Buddhism: After a decade of thinking and Accumulation, and finally completed his academic tripod for the “new doctrine.” The book’s signature is very crazy - “” Huanggang Xiong Shi Li made "; this one published a book, immediately aroused the Buddhist scholars, especially with the door of the teacher’s fierce attack, even the teacher Ouyang also severely reprimanded, but Xiong Shuli insisted:
The subcellular localization of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor subunit 1 in neural stem cells of the subventricular zone of adult rats was detected using ele
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