市场机制的不健全,确是影响油画市场进一步开拓的严重阻力。但回顾’97中国艺术博览会,油画已成为博览会的主体,由此我们可以相信:随着我国艺术市场的进一步发展和人们对中国油画认识的提高,市场对中国油画的需求会与日俱增。 判断玉器表面的着色是真沁、还是假沁,也是玉器鉴赏家、收藏家所必须掌握的一门基本功,而以琥珀为原料、经火灼烤而成的“琥珀烫”,就是冒充汉玉或三代古玉的一种伪古玉,这种人工的伪沁,不少古玉鉴赏家们不明真相,上当受骗,信以为真故宫博物院的杨伯达先生几十年来通过对文献的考辨、研究并结合故宫博物院所藏实物的验证,指出琥珀烫是苏州玉肆的看家本领。这种在玉上伪造黄色沁的方法,由于严格保密、绝不外传,加之少见于文献记载,故后世的骨董商、鉴赏家不知琥珀色伪沁的存在,因此受蒙蔽者不在少数。读了杨文对提高玉器收藏家的辨识能力,将会有所裨益。
The imperfect market mechanism does affect the further resistance of the oil painting market. However, reviewing the ’97 China Art Fair, oil painting has become the main body of the Expo. From this we can believe that with the further development of the art market in our country and the increasing awareness of Chinese oil painting, the market demand for Chinese oil paintings will increase day by day. Judging jade surface is the color of Qin Qin, or pseudo-Qin, Joker connoisseurs, collectors must master a basic skill, and to amber as raw material, the fire burning baked “amber hot” is pretending to be Han Yu Or three generations of ancient jade pseudo-jade, this artificial pseudo-Qin, many jade connoisseurs are unknown to the truth, deceived, convinced the Imperial Palace Museum of Mr.Ben Boda decades of literature through the research, research and combination National Palace Museum collection of physical verification, pointed out that amber hot Suzhou Yu Stanford housekeeping skills. This method of forging yellow Qin in jade is strictly confidential and will never be publicized. In addition, it is rare in the literature and records. Therefore, future generations of antique merchants and connoisseurs do not know the existence of amber pseudo-Qin, so they are not to be deceived. Yang Wen read the article to improve the recognition of jade collectors, will be of some benefit.