The problems and suggestions of English Listening Teaching in Senior High School

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  【Abstract】It is very significant for teachers to give a broad overview of English listening teaching in senior high school, which plays a rather vital role in the four skills of English teaching involved in listening, speaking, reading and writing. In spite of the fact that listening teaching makes certain progress, it still exists a wide variety of problems and difficulties, and we should take some strategies to settle down them to some degree. This paper is intended to analyze the problems of English listening teaching, and attempts to supply plenty of suggestions to enhance students’ listening level.
  【Key words】problems; suggestions; English Listening; Senior High School
  I. Introduction
  Listening is one of the best ways for learners to acquire comprehensible input. The relevant data shows that 45% of the information acquired in foreign language learning lies in listening. Listening teaching is not only the main position of cultivating students’ listening ability, but also promotes the development of other skills. Listening is the most important among the four language skills of students. When you learn a language for the first time, you must try to listen and understand, then to imitate, say, and master the basic language expression methods. Listening is the vital contents of English teaching in senior high school, and it is also an important part of college entrance examination. In order to improve the students’ listening ability and cope with the college entrance examination, we must face the actual situation of the high school students, solve the problems existing in English teaching, and carry out the teaching of listening in a targeted way.
  II. The primary problems of listening teaching in senior high school
  In the process of listening teaching, teachers should not only impart language knowledge to students, but also improve their listening skills. Therefore, we should cultivate students’ effective learning strategies, positive emotional attitudes and intercultural communicative competence. However, many English teachers do not pay enough attention to the teaching of listening in practical teaching.
  1. The choice of listening materials is limited and away from life.
  The listening materials used by the teachers in the classroom mainly are selected from some listening materials which are matched with textbooks. These contents of listening materials are away from students’ learning and life, lack of authenticity, so students feel very tasteless (徐軍, 2010). Besides, there are also listening materials that are very difficult for students to finish, and if materials do not make some modifications and adjustments, students can not complete the listening task so that it is useless to enhance the listening proficiency of students. A substantial proportion of listening materials chosen by teachers attach great importance to the topics that often show in the English listening test, though it can help students raise their listening scores, it exerts no effect on improving the effectiveness of listening teaching, promote the development of students’ English listening ability, and ensure the realization of the ultimate goal of English teaching.   2. The teachers’ training mode and teaching method are unitary.
  In high school listening teaching, the exam simulation is very prevalent among listening training. In the survey, students listen outside the classroom at least three times a week, but listening training is completed by themselves without teachers’ instructions. And when the teachers give listening lessons, they tend to put the material at first, the students fill in the answer according to what they are listening, then the teachers give the answer, and finally students correct their answer by the means of listening the same listening materials once again. At this rate, a teacher can finish listening to one unit in one class. This single method of test oriented training only makes students less interested in listening, and it is considered to be a task to practice and finish. In the listening training, students only listen to each material mechanically rather than comprehend the reason why we should choose this one. Apart from this shortage, students also can not listen and communicate with effectively native speakers because they only give emphasis on the questions of listening tests instead of what the speakers are saying. It is useless for students to improve their listening capacity and proficiency.
  3. The students lack of vocabulary and pronunciation knowledge.
  In the survey, vocabulary and pronunciation are the biggest problems for students. Because of too limited vocabulary, it results in difficulty to understand the text or article for students. Besides, we also find that more than half of the students think that vocabulary is the biggest obstacle to hinder their listening (吳邦文, 2012). In addition, if students take the wrong tone of words, they will store the wrong pronunciation information, and when you hear the correct pronunciation of natural speech, you have trouble in associating what you have remembered before with what you are listening in the materials and they do not understand the word or misinterpret its meaning. This is because some teachers’ speech is not very accurate, and they do not pay enough attention to the phonetic knowledge in primary school and junior high school, students receive little systematic pronunciation training, resulting in students lacking of phonetic knowledge, who can not be knowledgeable about the correct pronunciation of words and sentences.
  III. Some tentative suggestions of listening teaching in senior high school   1. Teachers can increase the richness of listening materials in addition to the materials provided by the textbook.
  It is necessary to add some popular listening materials which are interesting to the students and closely related to the students’ learning and life. In process of listening teaching, in spite of the fact that teachers always give a broad overview of listening skills of high school students, it is not concerned about students’ daily life and learning, not contributing to the formation of ability to use comprehensive language. So whether the choice of text materials, listening or screen materials should be close to students’ life in order to stimulate students’ interest in learning English. When students listen to those topics that they are enthusiastic about, they will listen more carefully and gain correct answers, which can enhance both their listening scores and proficiency.
  2. It should let students participate in listening actively.
  In the process of learning, the teacher is the dominant and students are the main body. It is very indispensable for teachers to create a relaxed and harmonious class, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, and improve students’ interest so as to eliminate students’ fear, frustration, resentment and psychological barriers. It is rather vital to let students have a good knowledge of pronunciation and intonation of listening materials, and lead them to combine into the text of passages, so that it can enhance students’ interest, and attract them to participate in the study actively and intuitively. At the same time, teachers also should introduce students the cultural background, customs and habits, or give them some related extra-curricular reading materials to enhance their reading ability, which will undoubtedly help students understand the content of listening and reduce the difficulty (任靜, 2014).
  3. The teachers should strengthen the guidance and training of listening strategies, and cultivate students’ positive emotional attitude.
  “The new curriculum” states that learning strategies and emotional attitude are important parts of improving the comprehensive ability of using language. The high school students should form their own learning strategies to enhance English learning level. There are a wide variety of learning strategies covering metacognitive strategies (including planning, selective attention, self-monitoring, self-evaluation), cognitive strategies (including prediction, speculation, extension, record), and social affective strategies (self-encouragement). In the teaching of listening, teachers can introduce these learning strategies to students, and guide students how to use these strategies in accordance with the teaching content. After the students have mastered some learning strategies and used them skillfully, which is of great help to relieve the burden of students and improve their enthusiasm and interest in learning English. It is of great importance to maintain a positive attitude towards learning. In senior high school, English teachers should also guide students to employ effective strategies to change their interest into stable learning motivation, so that they can establish strong self-confidence, cultivate the desire to cooperate with others, and develop the quality of harmony and health.   4. The students should broaden the number of vocabulary.
  It should recognize the memory of vocabulary to build the English language knowledge system, including the voice, vocabulary, grammar and other knowledge so as to master and develop good listening habits. It is necessary for students to increase the amount of reading, learn more about western culture, and pay attention to the political, economic, cultural background, customs and thinking ways of English countries.
  In addition, in order to understand western culture, students can read more English newspapers such as middle school English newspaper, English weekly, English Salon and so on (张鹏,
  2012). When students read new words in reading newspapers, they can guess according to the context of passage at first, and then look up them in the dictionary. For a long time, students can gradually improve and extend the number of words.
  IV. Conclusion
  Listening teaching plays a rather important part in English teaching in senior high school, as a teacher, who should try to understand the current situation of listening teaching, and take effective measures to promote to solve all kinds of problems in English listening teaching according to the actual situation of students, with the purpose of improving students’ listening ability and comprehensive capacity of using English.
项目教学法是面对新时期,新的教学条件下提出的新的教学理念.它是由著名的瑞士心理学家皮亚杰(J. Piaget)提出的建构主义学习理论演生而来的,是建构主义学习理论的升华.本文