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中国的教育事业快速发展,在中国现今的环境下,素质教育成为教育界的共同主题。不管是教师还是家长,对学生的要求也越来越高,不仅需要学生学好学校开设的课程,而且也希望学生掌握各方面的知识,朝全方面发展。在这个环境下,教学就成为一个不可忽视的关键因素,如何把握教学,如何提高教学效果,如何让学生学到更多的知识和全方位的知识,成为学校和教师设计教学的目标。当然,教学的时候,绝对不能忘记素质教育这一前提。不仅要让学生掌握好、巩固好、牢记好书本上的知识,同时也要让学生在快乐中学习,提高学生各个方面的能力。这才是教育的目的。以心理学理论为指导,加之多年来在一线教学的实践经验,以提高初中数学教学的有效性为目的进行了谈论和分析,希望对广大从事初中初学数学教育的教师有一定的帮助。 With the rapid development of education in China, quality education has become a common theme of education in China’s current environment. Regardless of whether they are teachers or parents, the demand for students is also getting higher and higher. Students are not only required to learn the courses offered by schools, but also to have students grasp all aspects of knowledge and develop in all aspects. In this environment, teaching has become a key factor that can not be ignored. How to grasp the teaching, how to improve the teaching effect and how to let the students learn more knowledge and all-around knowledge have become the goal of design teaching for the school and teachers. Of course, teaching, we must not forget the premise of quality education. Not only to enable students to master, consolidate, keep good knowledge of books, but also to enable students to learn in the happy, improve students’ ability in all aspects. This is the purpose of education. Guided by the theory of psychology and combined with the practical experience of first-line teaching over the years, the article discusses and analyzes the purpose of improving the effectiveness of junior high school mathematics teaching, hoping to help some teachers engaged in junior high school mathematics education.
中国电影人开始接受并关注互联网影视营销,大约是从2011年票房黑马《失恋33天》的诞生开始的,而《失恋33天》的互联网营销的背后操手,正是郑珣创立的伟德福思。基于社会化媒体平台,为影视剧提供互动化的营销解决方案,是伟德福思的主要方向。  伟德福思的前身智慧鱼工作室,是2008年郑珣在刘德华国内经纪公司(秋水堂)担任策划总监的同时创立的。那是“芙蓉姐姐”的时代,“网络公关”的概念才刚刚出现,“水军”
本刊讯(记者刘启华) 2008年5月12日汶川大地震发生后,湖北盆景艺术协会积极动员,在短短的时间内筹集到会员捐款近2万余元,通过武汉市汉阳红十字协会、湖北荆州慈善总会等机构
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical manifestations,diagnoses,treatments,and outcomes of orbital mass lesions at a tertiary care referral center.
Background: This study compares the medium-term success rate and complications of non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS) without and with autologous scleral im
摘要 “先学后教”是一种教学模式,是一种课堂教学结构,也是一种教学法。它给了老师们具体的操作方法,让中小学各学科老师灵活运用,上好新课程改革的课;教学生学,让学生发挥好主体作用,有效地自主、合作、探究性学习。通过在美术教学中运用“先学后教”的教育理念,让学生在课前自主地进行“先学”,教师做到点拨性的“后教”,使课堂教学更有效。让学生在生活、学习中建立自信,发现自我,让美术学习促进学生的健康成长和全