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1983年3月25日中国计算机用户协会在北京正式成立,至今已经二十周年了。这个协会是伴随着计算机应用在中国的普及而诞生的,也是伴随着计算机产业在中国的发展而成长的。二十年的实践证明,广大计算机用户是计算机应用和技术服务最活跃的最积极的因素和力量。 March 25, 1983 China Computer Users Association was formally established in Beijing, has been twentieth anniversary. This association was born along with the popularization of computer application in China, and also grew along with the development of computer industry in China. Twenty years of practice have proved that the vast majority of computer users are the most active factors and forces with the most active computer applications and technical services.
Distributed bearing test center monitoring and controlsystem based on CAN bus is designed in this paper. It canmonitor bearing test process, collect test data,
通过对阴香的育苗试验和造林示范,总结了阴香采种、育苗、造林技术、抚育管理及病虫害防治措施,对阴香推广栽培和规模化培育具有指导意义。 Through the experiments of see
结合焦化煤场扩容改造,用PLC对皮带机生产线控制装置进行改造,通过软件实现的方法在强化控制功能的同时简化了控制环节和元件数量,增加了可靠性和可维护性,方便了操作。 Com
Using micro controller, DAC and Multi-periods syn-thesis, we can buildup a very simple signal source with precisefrequency, amplitude and waveform. Wave paramet
This paper introduces hardware connections betweencomputer and intellectualized instrument based on 89c51 sin-glechip .It gives the techniques to compile intet
从种子采收,育苗造林,幼林抚育管护,病虫害防治等方面,总结并提出西藏柏木的栽培技术措施,对促进西藏柏木进一步发展具有一定的指导作用。 From the aspects of seed harves
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本文介绍了利用美国WONDERWARE公司的Wonder-wareR FactorySuiteTM 2000 I/O Server Toolkit如何开发用户自己的I/O Server.