在日本企业界,有这样一位以救治亏损企业为己任的圣手老怪,毅然放弃已功成名就的“阀门大王”不当,反而以46岁的“不惑之年”,冒险地扛起了“重建企业”的猎猎战旗。经过艰辛拼搏,终于使29家负债累累濒临破产的企业重焕活力,重铸辉煌。他,就是被世界各国企业巨子奉若神明的“东瀛扭亏王”——日本大山阀门工业公司的创始人和总经理——大山梅雄。 一念之差反成“阀门大王” 大山梅雄,出生于1910年,小学毕业时考试中的弄巧成拙,反而使他日后成为日本企业界的“扭亏枭雄”。如果没有大山梅雄这个耍小聪明的一念之差,世界企业扭亏史上就失去了耐人寻味的一笔重彩。
In the Japanese business community, there is such an aristocratic incumbent who treats loss-making enterprises as its own responsibility. While resolutely giving up the “valve king” who has become famous, he took the 46-year-old “ Hunting battle flag. After arduous struggle, finally 29 companies that are on the verge of bankruptcy have been re-energized and rebuilt. He is the ”kingpin of the Japanese economy“, the founder and general manager of Japan’s Daisen Valve Industry Corporation, Daisuke Megumi. The idea of a difference between the ”valve king“ Meixiong Mountain, was born in 1910, primary school exams self-defeating, but later made him the Japanese business community ”turn loss dominance." If there is no big Meixiong clever little one to read the difference, the world’s loss in the history of enterprises lost an interesting touch of color.