
来源 :南极研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoHolly
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1990年6月14日至15日,中国科学院资源环境局邀请中国科学院、大专院校、生产部门的15位知名教授汇集沙坡头,组成专家组对沙坡头沙漠科学研究站实施开放的条件,今后研究的方向、任务和范围,进行了审查和论证。 沙坡头沙漠科学研究站位于宁夏自治区中卫县,建于1956年3月。建站伊始,目的就很明确。为探索包(头)兰(州)铁路穿越腾格里大沙漠南缘42公里(其中沙坡头地区长16公里)线路,提供防治铁路沙害的
顾问 罗钰如 涂光炽 谢义炳 主编 张焘 副主编 郭琨 刘培桐 吴宝铃 周秀骥 崔之久 委员 (以姓氏笔划为序) 丁国瑜 王荣 刘庆龄 刘瑞源 许厚泽 朱岗昆 陈永申 李启斌 李廷栋 沈德富 张坤诚 张青松 高钦泉 高登义 高耀亭 谢自楚 颜其德 董兆乾 薛全福 魏江春
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This report provides a result obtained by the First Chinese Antarctic and Southern Ocean Expedition. Specimens were collected by investigators of the Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, with plankt
The structure of the ice core varies with depth, Its surface layer is firn, followed by an ice layer with random fabric pattern (beginning at 28m depth), then transformed to a small circle girdle patt
Based on the analysis and mathematical statistics of quantitative data on both the heavy minerals and their REE (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu), trace (Zr, Hf, Th, Ta, U, Rb, Sr, Zn, Co, Ni, Cr, As,
The first author of this paper made a drilling through the water 3.5--4m deep in the Xihu Lake by using a gravity corer during 1985--1986 investigation in the Great wall Station area. The drill hole w
The distance from the Great Wall Station (62.2°S, 58.9°W) to Xinxiang (35.3°N, 113.8°E) is 16981 kin. The path passes through the polar cap absorption region and the auroral absorption zone, and it is