崛起海峡西岸 发展统揽全局 惠安现代化港口工贸旅游区建设创功业

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惠安经济实力位居全国“百强”35位。是闻名世界的中国石雕之都、中国民间艺术(雕艺)之乡、全国食品工业强县、全国水土保持生态环境示范县、全国科技进步示范县以及省级卫生县城、园林城市、文化先进县、计生优质服务先进县和文明县城“二连冠”、双拥模范县“三连冠”等殊荣。鸡年,这个县捷报频传:农业农村宽裕型小康新增三个乡镇,总数达40个村,6个水产养殖基地获省无公害水产养殖基地认定。崇武中心渔港被农业部列为2006年国家中心渔港建设项目。打造品牌战略,“惠泉啤酒”荣获中国名牌产品,“达利”食品荣获中国名牌产品和驰名商标,新增4个省著名商标、8个市知名商标。旅游收入突破9亿大关,“惠安雕艺”、“惠女服饰”被列为国家民族民间保护工程,崇武镇荣膺中国魅力乡土民风名镇称号,崇武海岸被《中国国家地理杂志》评为“全国最美的八大海岸之一”。社会事业实施国家星火计划一个、国家重点创新项目2个、省科技计划和成果转化项目16个。 Huian economic strength among the top 100 “35. Is the world famous Chinese stone carving capital, the hometown of Chinese folk art (carving), the strong county of national food industry, the demonstration county of soil and water conservation ecological environment, the national scientific and technological progress demonstration county and the provincial health county, garden city and advanced culture county , Family planning services, advanced county and civilized county ”two consecutive championships“ double support model county ”three consecutive championships“ and other awards. In the Year of the Chickens, the county has reported a lot about the success of this county: Three kinds of towns and villages have been added to well-off agriculture in rural areas with a total of 40 villages. Six aquaculture bases have been accredited as pollution-free aquaculture bases in the province. Chongwu Center fishing port by the Ministry of Agriculture as the 2006 National Center fishing port construction projects. Build brand strategy, ”Hui Quan beer“ won the Chinese famous brand products, ”Dali“ food won the Chinese famous brand products and well-known trademarks, the new 4 provincial famous trademarks, 8 city famous trademarks. Tourism revenue exceeded 900 million mark, ”Huian sculpture“, ”Hui women’s clothing“ was listed as national folk protection project, Chongwu won the title of China’s charm of local folk town, Chongwu coast was ”China National Geographic magazine“ As ”one of the most beautiful oceans in the country." Social undertakings to implement a national Spark plan, two national key innovation projects, provincial science and technology projects and achievements in transformation projects 16.
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某企业一台锅炉投用仅6个月就出现大面积的腐蚀坑,本文对这一情况进行分析,初步判断是使用劣质防垢剂、偏低的给水pH值,造成腐蚀,并提出缺陷预防措施及意见。 The corrosion