
来源 :高原医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ufod1
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平原地区大鼠进入高原地区后,其红细胞中sOD活性显著降低(P<0.05,P<0.01);经服红景天素后红细胞SOD活性增高与NS组比较P<0.05,P<0.01。高原地区大鼠以肝、脑、肾组织中SOD活性降低最为明显,其中阿尼玛卿山组与西安组比较P<0.01或P<0.001;西宁组与西安组比较P<0.05或P<0.01。红景天素组大鼠进入海拔5100m地区后,其脑和肾组织中SOD活性较NS组显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.001)。提示红景天素能有效地防治大鼠急进高原后所引起的红细胞和组织中SOD活性的降低,且随着海拔的升高,此种效应更为明显。 After entering the plateau, the sOD activity of erythrocytes in rats in the plain decreased significantly (P <0.05, P <0.01). Compared with the NS group, the SOD activity in erythrocytes increased significantly after receiving Rhodiola (P <0.01). The SOD activity in the liver, brain and kidney tissues of the rats in the plateau decreased the most obviously in the plateau area, in which the animazepine group had a lower level of P <0.01 or P <0.001 than that of the Xi’an group and the P <0.05 or P <0.01 . Rhodiola rosea rats entered the altitude of 5100m area, the brain and kidney tissue SOD activity was significantly higher than NS group (P <0.01 or P <0.001). The results suggested that Rhodiola rosea could effectively prevent the decrease of SOD activity in erythrocytes and tissues caused by rats’ rapid rising plateau, and the effect was more obvious with the elevation of altitude.
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2017年家庭農场政策汇总 规模标准与申报流程
无晶状体后囊患者植入后房型人工晶体国内尚未见报导。我们将国外采用的两点固定法改进为4点固定法,取得满意效果. 此手术适应于无晶状体后囊或后囊破损严重无法常规植入后房