Breast Cancer Immunotherapy

来源 :中国免疫学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:annazky
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Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women worldwide. Although tumorectomy,radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone replacement therapy have been used for the treatment of breast cancer, there is no effective therapy for patients with invasive and metastatic breast cancer. Immunotherapy may be proved effective in treating patients with advanced breast cancer. Breast cancer immunotherapy includes antibody based immunotherapy, cancer vaccine immunotherapy, adoptive T cell transfer immunotherapy and T cell receptor gene transfer immunotherapy. Antibody based immunotherapy such as the monoclonal antibody against HER-2/neu (trastuzumab) is successfully used in the treatment of breast cancer patients with over-expressed HER-2/neu, however, HER-2/neu is over-expressed only in 25-30% of breast cancer patients. Cancer vaccine immunotherapy is a promising method to treat cancer patients. Cancer vaccines can be used to induce specific anti-tumor immunity in breast cancer patients, but cannot induce objective tumor regression. Adoptive T cell transfer immunotherapy is an effective method in the treatment of melanoma patients. Recent advances in anti-tumor T cell generation ex vivo and limited clinical trial data have made the feasibility of adoptive T cell transfer immunotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer patients. T cell receptor gene transfer can redirect the specificity of T cells. Chimeric receptor, scFv(anti-HER-2/neu)/zeta receptor, was successfully used to redirect cytotoxic T lymphocyte hybridoma cells to obtain anti-HER-2/neu positive tumor cells, suggesting the feasibility of treatment of breast cancer patients with T cell receptor gene transfer immunotherapy. Clinical trials will approve that immunotherapy is an effective method to cure breast cancer disease in the near future.
近年来糖尿病作为冠心病(coronary heart disease)的一项重要危险因素,越来越引起人们的重视。空腹血糖、负荷后2小时血糖、糖化血红蛋白HbA1c对冠状动脉病变程度是否有影响,目前研究尚未定论。本研究将通过研究患者的空腹血糖、负荷后2小时血糖、HbA1c与冠状动脈病变程度的关系,以探讨其分别对冠状动脉病变程度的预测价值。
尿潴留,中医称癃闭,是以排尿困难甚或闭塞不通为主的疾患,多并发尿路感染,重者并发继发返流性肾病,严重地影响患者的身心健康,西医对尿潴留的治疗无外乎进行导尿,而中医治疗本病却有独到之处。本科自2001年以来,对50例患严重尿潴留的患者以夹脊穴治疗为主,配合语言暗示疗法治疗,治愈率94%,取得很好的效果,现总结如下:  1 临床资料  50例患者中,均排除阻塞性原因所致的尿潴留。其中男15例,女35例
【摘 要】目的:觀察金属烤瓷联冠对牙周病患者修复治疗的效果。方法:选用我科进行修复治疗的牙周病患者30例,修复后6个月、1年、2年随诊,检查修复效果。结果:30例牙周病患者中疗效较好27例,进步2例,失败1例,总有效率96.7%。结论:金属烤瓷联冠修复体在牙周病修复中有较满意治疗效果.  【关键词】金属烤瓷桥;慢性牙周病;治疗  【中图分类号】R783 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1
Toll-like receptors (TLR) are pathogen-associated molecular patts (PAMPs) recognition receptors that play an important role in protective immunity against infec