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英语中表示高兴意义的词很多,常见的有cheerful,gay,glad,happy,joyful,joyous,lighthearted,merry,pleased.它们都是形容词,都可用以描写由于兴奋或激动及类似的事物而引起的情绪、心情及思想上的喜悦状态,然而这些词在语义内涵及具体用法上却有着细微的差别。 There are many words in English that express happiness. Commonly there are cheerful, gay, glad, happy, joyful, joyous, lighthearted, merry, pleased. They are all adjectives. They can be used to describe things that are caused by excitement or excitement and similar things. Emotions, moods, and ideological joys, but these words have subtle differences in semantic connotation and specific usage.
In the early 14th century,Europeons used guns in battle for the first time. The secret was gunpowder,a volatile mixture of chemicals that exploded when lit. Si
动词 provide的常见搭配为provide sb.with sth.和 provide sth.for(to)sb.。但笔者近来在阅读中见到provide 后直接跟sth.,不用介词的实例。不过,这种用法常见于美国英语中
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My neighbor Mrs. Gargan first told me about it. “Have you seen the tree?” she asked as I was sitting in the back yard enjoying the October twilight. “The on
《大学英语》(文理科本科用)精读课本第一册Unit Eight课文有这样一个句子: The door was not a long time opening,but there was no hurry in theway it moved on its hin
科技英语指令(EST instruction)常见于实验手册、产品使用说明书之类的指令型科技语篇中。按语气划分,大致有以下两类: 一、直接指令(direct instruction) 指以直接命令的语