Although the value of 0.01% is small, it has a great influence on the oil refining enterprises. It reflects the company’s crude oil processing technology and management level, a great impact on the economic efficiency of enterprises. “From January to November this year, the cumulative processing loss rate of refineries was 0.37%, down 0.01% from the same period of 2011 and ranked third at the headquarters of Sinopec Corp.” Not long ago, the loss was reported from the Maoming Petrochemical Refining Division Good news. 0.01% Although this value is small, but for our oil refining enterprises, the impact is enormous.If this year to process 12 million tons of crude oil to count, a decrease of 0.01% means that a reduction of 1,200 tons of crude oil loss, efficiency of 6.2 million Yuan. "Refinery Division Production and Management Office Deputy Director Chen Yuanwen accurate calculation.