Current understanding of the functional roles of aberrantly expressed micro RNAs in esophageal cance

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aa377059590
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The incidence of esophageal cancer is rising,mostly because the increasing incidence of esophageal adenocarcino main Western countries.Despit eimprovements in diagnosis and treatment,the overall5-year survival rates remain low.Micro RNAs(mi RNAs)are small non-coding RNA molecules that regulate the expression of target genes.Recently,disease specific mi RNAs have been identified,which act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes.In this review,we will summarize the current knowledge about the function of aberrantly expressed mi RNAs in esophageal cancer.We selected 5 mi RNAs(mi RNA-21,-143,-145,-196a and let-7)based on the available literature,and described their potential role in regulating pathways that are deregulated in esophageal cancer.Finally we will highlight the current achievements of using and targeting mi RNAs.Because these mi RNAs likely have important regulatory roles in cancer development,they open a therapeutic window for new treatment modalities. The incidence of esophageal cancer is rising, mostly because of the increasing incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma in the main Western countries. Design in periphrombosis in diagnosis and treatment, the overall 5-year survival rates remain low. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA molecules that regulate the expression of target genes.Recently, disease specific mi RNAs have been identified, which act as tumor suppressors or oncogenes. this review, we will summarize the current knowledge about the function of aberrantly expressed mi RNAs in esophageal cancer. We selected 5 Based on the available literature, and described their potential role in regulating pathways that are deregulated in esophageal cancer. Locally we will highlight the current achievements of using and targeting miRNAs.Because these mi RNAs likely have important regulatory roles in cancer development, they open a therapeutic window for new treatment modalities.
时光荏苒,世事如风,父亲已经走了整整33年。被病魔缠身的您,为什么走得如此仓促?此后谁再为我遮风挡雨?谁又能给我慈爱和严厉的目光?为什么不给我孝敬的机会呢?您走后,再也没人管我,没人约束我了;从此没人打我、骂我了;也从此没有人说我吃饭不扶着碗、走路老拖拉着鞋、挑水浇菜园时胸老是挺不直、看书时特爱佝偻着腰了。  在您生命最后的十年,我们不是冷战就是争吵,大多时侯处于静默中。不知道您的眼光为何如此独到
“天边飘过故乡的云,它不停地在向我召唤……”这是当年大家耳熟能详的费翔的歌曲,红遍了海峡两岸,激荡了海内外游子那颗漂泊的心。直到今天,我听到这首歌曲都别有一番滋味在心头。  我的老家在松花江畔的东北大平原,那里不但有漫山遍野的大豆高粱,还有那“风吹草低见牛羊”肥美的草原牧场,更有那蓝得如海的天,白得像雪的云。在我的老家流传一句话,“二八月看巧云”。就是说,在春秋两季,天上的云彩变幻莫测,格外好看。