做中共铮友 为百姓代言——访唐山市政协常委、音乐家韩溪先生

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“我很推崇范仲淹所说的‘先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐’的品格。强烈的忧患意识,把我与党和人民的利益连在一起,关心时政、关心社情民意,将其融入参政议政之中。真诚地为老百姓主持公道,真心地为百姓办成几件有影响的事,他们就会把你当作知心人,与你尽说掏心窝子的话。”笔者在一个乍暖还寒的春日上午,采访了年届古稀的韩溪先生。韩先生是唐剧创始人之一,京剧《节振国》的音乐设计,唐山民盟名誉副主委、市政协常委、特邀研究员。当谈到政协委员怎样做到“同呼吸,反映民众心声;共命运,和党荣辱与共”时,他那怀直道、扬仁风的铮友之情和那矍铄精神,敏捷的思路,生动的言语,像他的名字一样,小溪淌 “I highly admire the character of Fan Zhongyan’s saying,” worry and worry, and enjoy the world. “The strong sense of anxiety has linked me with the interests of the party and the people, cares about current affairs, cares about public opinion and public opinions, Will be integrated into the political and political affairs among the people .In good faith for the people, honestly for the people to do a few influential things, they will treat you as a heart-to-heart, with you to dig heart Wozi words. In a warm spring morning, interviewed the seventy years of Mr. Han Xi. Mr. Han is one of the founders of the Tang Dynasty. He is also the music designer for the Peking Opera ”Festival Vibrations“, the honorary vice chairman of the Tangshan League, member of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and guest researcher. When it comes to CPPCC members how to do the same breathing, reflecting the public voice, a total of fate, and the party’s honor and disgrace together, ”his straight arms, Yan Yan style of friendship and that shackles, agile ideas, lively The words, like his name, flow down
各州、市人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 近几年,省委、省政府及澜沧江流域各级党委、政府为实现我省打通东南亚、南亚大通道的战略目标,投入巨大人力、物
在栽培植物中,果树和观赏植物是后起之秀。而它们的发展和研究却十分迅速,大有后来居上之势。已经是农业生产中两个主要的组成部分。 今天世界上果品就总产量论几乎可以和不