新理性主义 2013十大战略新车榜

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连续两年产销增速低于5%后,现在就连最乐观的分析师也不能不承认,中国汽车市场已进入了一个真正的理性市场。不过正因如此,我们才有动力正视那些因长期高速增长而被忽略的重要问题。我们观察到这个新理性市场,呈现了一些不同以往的特征。有限紧缩取代政策刺激。3月17日,李克强总理在记者会上关于公费购车只减不增的言论,信号明显:随着财政减收大幕拉开和大城市空气污染加剧,2011年以来包括限购在内的管理政策将继续得到维护,也不会存有新的大规模汽车补贴减税救市之举。海外并购转向内生式生长。金融危机引发的全球汽车业历史性结构调整已基本完成,沃尔沃国产项目成都落定,北汽推出基于 After two consecutive years of less than 5% growth in production and sales, even the most optimistic analysts can not but admit that China’s auto market has entered a real rational market. However, it is precisely for this reason that we are motivated to address the important issues that have long been neglected by the long-term rapid growth. We observe this new rational market, showing some different characteristics. Limited austerity replaces policy stimulus. On March 17, Premier Li Keqiang’s remarks at the press conference on the reduction of public car purchase only showed that the signal was clear: With the reduction of public finances and the intensification of air pollution in major cities, management policies including restrictions on purchase since 2011 Will continue to be maintained, there will be no new large-scale car subsidies tax cuts to save the move. Overseas mergers and acquisitions turned to endogenous growth. The historic structural adjustment of the global auto industry triggered by the financial crisis has basically been completed. Chengdu, the domestic project of Volvo, has been settled and BAIC has launched a
【摘要】本文针对普光气田高含硫净化装置20万吨/年硫磺回收和尾气处理单元,解决了装置开工及生产运行工作中的一系列复杂的难题,提高了硫磺回收率,减少了尾气中SO2的排放量,降低污染,达到了环保生产的目的。降低了生产运行成本,缩短了开工周期。确保装置安全平稳生产。  【关键词】硫磺回收 尾气处理 运行 优化 联锁  1 前言  普光气田天然气资源量大约8916亿立方米,截至目前已累计探明天然气地质储量
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