Dispersion flattened photonic crystal fiber with high nonlinearity for supercontinuum generation at

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A robust design for a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) based on pure silica with small normal dispersion and high nonlinear coefficient for its dual concentric core structure is presented.This design is suitable for flat broadband supercontinuum (SC) generation in the 1.55-μm region.The numerical results show that the nonlinear coefficient of the proposed eight-ring PCF is 33.8 W -1 ·km -1 at 1550 nm.Ultraflat dispersion with a value between -1.65 and -0.335 ps/(nm·km) is obtained ranging from 1375 to 1625 nm.The 3-dB bandwidth of the SC is 125 nm (1496–1621 nm),with a fiber length of 80 m and a corresponding input peak power of 43.8 W.The amplitude noise is considered to be related to SC generation.For practical fabrication,the influence of the random imperfections of airhole diameters on dispersion and nonlinearity is discussed to verify the robustness of our design. A robust design for a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) based on pure silica with small normal dispersion and high nonlinear coefficient for its dual concentric core structure is presented. This design is suitable for flat broadband supercontinuum (SC) generation in the 1.55-μm region . Numerical values ​​show that the nonlinear coefficient of the proposed eight-ring PCF is 33.8 W -1 · km -1 at 1550 nm. Ultraflat dispersion with a value between -1.65 and -0.335 ps / (nm · km) is for ranging The 3-dB bandwidth of the SC is 125 nm (1496-1621 nm), with a fiber length of 80 m and a corresponding input peak power of 43.8 W. The amplitude noise is considered to be related to SC generation. For practical fabrication, the influence of the random imperfections of airhole diameters on dispersion and nonlinearity is discussed to verify the robustness of our design.
The performance of the conventional Kalman filter depends on process and measurement noise statistics given by the system model and measurements.The conventiona
民族英雄题材《林则徐》  林则徐  导演:郑君里、岑范  编剧:吕宕、叶元  主演:  赵丹、韩非、高正、秦怡、蓝谷  类型:剧情/历史/战争  上映时间:1959年  故事:19世纪中叶,为了消除英国走私鸦片的危害,道光帝派林则徐禁烟。1839年林则徐虎门销烟,维护了中国的尊严和利益。事后道光却革了林则徐的职,将其发配新疆。英军侵略行为激起广州人民的愤怒,在三元里与英国侵略军展开了英勇斗争。  
1987年的时候,电影原声唱片这个概念,在华语音乐圈还是新事一桩。所以这张《桂花巷》电影原声唱片的推出,今天回过头看,具有里程碑式的意义——华语电影原声唱片,大致便是从这条桂花巷走向后来的。上世纪90年代资深DJ陶晓清联合台湾音乐人选出的1975-1993台湾流行音乐百大专辑中,《桂花巷》排在第57位,而当年滚石唱片出版这张专辑时,则是作为《中国经典名著电影音乐》系列的第一号作品。  电影《桂花巷
摘 要:《企业会计准则15号——建造合同》(以下简称《建造合同》)的实施,不仅体现了会计工作的谨慎性,也确保了会计信息的可靠性和相互联系,切实提高了会计核算工作的效率。本文通过阐述施工企业执行《建造合同》的意义和需要的基础,针对实施中的常见问题,提出几点建议。  关键词:施工企业;建造合同  中图分类号:F239 文献标识码:A     《建造合同》指为建造一项资产或者在设计、技术、功能、最
爱,亦哀  在《白发魔女传之明月天国》里,范冰冰的角色有两个名字:玉罗刹和练霓裳。前者混迹绿林,后者委身山谷。因为爱情,玉罗刹所有的棱角都被磨去,心甘情愿成为卓一航的练霓裳。纵使玉罗刹剑法高超,杀人无形,但只要躺进卓一航的怀里,她和普通女人一样,也是一副小鸟依人,柔情似水的小女人模样。都说爱情里的女人智商为零,这句话在武侠的世界里同样受用。为了爱情,练霓裳可以放弃扩大自己势力的最好时机而选择与情郎