
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bolun365
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目的:了解目前村卫生所卫技人员(以下简称乡村医生)对健康知识的需求和掌握情况,为下一步分析通过《健康生活报》对乡村医生进行健康知识教育的效果提供依据。方法:采用自编的《健康讲坛栏目读者需求调查表》对山西省9个市、200个村卫生室的200名乡村医生进行基线调查和相关健康知识测试。结果:共收回有效问卷177份。存在学历偏低、年龄偏大、女乡医偏少现象;专业素质差,以取得乡村医生证为主;日常主要获得健康知识的途径依次是上级培训、报纸、杂志及电视等;目前乡村医生迫切需要的健康知识为常见慢性病、儿童营养、急救急诊、药品知识等;关注的慢性病主要是高血压、冠心病、糖尿病;健康知识测试结果显示成绩普遍低下,及格率只有29.4%。结论:应结合乡村医生现状,广开渠道开展健康知识的宣传及教育,提高乡医的健康知识水平和技能。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the demand and mastery of current health knowledge by medical technicians in village clinics (hereinafter referred to as rural doctors), and to provide the basis for the next analysis of the effect of health knowledge education on rural doctors through “Healthy Living Newspaper”. Methods: A survey of 200 rural doctors in 9 clinics and 200 village clinics in Shanxi Province was conducted with the self-compiled “Readers’ Questionnaire for Health Forum” to conduct baseline surveys and related health knowledge tests. Results: A total of 177 valid questionnaires were collected. There is a low academic record, older, less rural women medicine phenomenon; poor professional qualifications to obtain rural doctors card; daily access to health knowledge followed by higher education, newspapers, magazines and television; the current village doctor The urgent need of health knowledge is common chronic diseases, children’s nutrition, emergency and emergency medicine and drug knowledge. The chronic diseases of concern are mainly hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes. The results of health knowledge test show generally low scores and the pass rate is only 29.4%. Conclusion: The status quo of rural doctors should be combined with the publicity and education of health knowledge to improve the health knowledge level and skills of rural doctors.
新世界出版社计划两年内到创业板上市,做“创业板文化第一股” New World Press plans to go to the GEM within two years to do “the first unit of GEM culture”
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