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在日趋激烈的建筑市场中,有的施工企业为了在“僧多粥少”的行情下分到一杯羹,往往为中标拿到项目而缺乏风险因素辨识和分析,从而导致经营管理失败而亏损。因此,国外有人称工程承包为“风险库”——据统计,国外的承包企业每年约有10%~15%破产倒闭。这种现象必须引起建筑承包商的高度重视。 施工风险,是指在建筑施工过程中存在的不确定性而产生的经济或财务损失、自然破坏或损伤的可能性。 工程承包是一项充满风险的事业。一个优秀的项目经理或一个投标小组,在研究招标文件时以及在合同实施过程中,必须对可能遇到的风险因素有一个比较全面而深刻的了解。估计,可通过专家评分比较法来分析,评分越高说明风险越大。工程估价时风险费(即不可预见费,一般在4%~8%之间)是取高限还是低限,取决于风险分析的结果。 在对风险进行辨识分析和评价之后,施工企业应根据招标文件要求和自身实际情况,决定是否参加投标。对于潜伏严重风险的项目,除非能找到有效的回避措施,应采取谨慎的态度。而对于存在一般风险的项目,施工企业应在工程实施的全过程中采取风险防范的措施。例如,减少施工企业资金、设备和垫付就是风险回避的一种很好的方法。 施工企业承包工程,一般都要购置一定的施工机械、设备及临建工程。这 In the increasingly fierce construction market, some construction companies, in order to get a share of the pie in the “delicious and plentiful” market, have often failed to identify and analyze the risks due to lack of risk factors in order to obtain the project. Therefore, there are foreigners who claim that project contracting is a “risk bank”—according to statistics, about 10% to 15% of foreign contracting companies go bankrupt each year. This phenomenon must arouse the attention of the construction contractor. Construction risk refers to the possibility of economic or financial loss, natural damage or damage caused by the uncertainty in the construction process. Project contracting is a risky business. A good project manager or a bidding team must have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the risk factors that may be encountered during the process of researching the bidding documents and during the implementation of the contract. Estimates can be analyzed by the expert rating comparison method. The higher the score, the greater the risk. The project risk assessment (ie unforeseen expenses, generally between 4% and 8%) is based on the results of the risk analysis. After identifying and analyzing the risks, the construction company shall decide whether to participate in the bidding according to the requirements of the bidding documents and its actual situation. For projects with potentially serious risks, unless you can find effective avoidance measures, you should take a cautious approach. For projects with general risks, construction companies should take risk prevention measures throughout the project implementation. For example, reducing construction company funds, equipment, and advances is a good way to avoid risks. Contractors for construction companies generally purchase certain construction machinery, equipment and temporary construction projects. This
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