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越南处在东亚到东南亚海陆中转的重要战略位置,具有丰富的资源、拥有东南亚最大最好的鸿基无烟煤田;它还曾是世界重要的稻米生产国,有“世界粮仓”之称。然而,由于多年内外战争,使其经济陷于崩溃的边缘。为了挽救国家经济,越南政府决定走改革开放之路,1986年12月越共第六次代表大会,标志着越南改革开放新时代的到来。为此,越南对内对外采取了一系列改革措施,大力引进外国资金,技术和设备,开始以新的姿态出现在世人面前。对内,允许发展私营企业,退还一些没收的华人资产,加紧实行计划经济向市场经济过渡;实行统一价格,各种商品的国家价与市场价基本持平;限制政府支出,同时收缩通货以控制通货膨胀;越币对外汇率放开,现在官方汇率与市场汇率之间差价已很小。对外,依靠廉价的土地、劳工和丰富的资源,采取宽松而开明的政策及各种优惠措施吸引外资。 Vietnam is located in an important strategic location for sea-land transfer from East Asia to Southeast Asia. It has abundant resources and has the largest and best Hongji anthracite-free coal field in Southeast Asia. It was also an important rice producer in the world and is known as the “World Granary”. However, due to many years of internal and external warfare, its economy has fallen to the brink of collapse. In order to save the national economy, the Vietnamese government decided to take the road of reform and opening up. In December 1986, the sixth congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party marked the arrival of a new era of Vietnam’s reform and opening up. To this end, Vietnam has adopted a series of reform measures both internally and externally, and has vigorously introduced foreign capital, technology, and equipment. It has begun to appear in new ways to the world. Internally, allowing the development of private enterprises, returning some confiscated Chinese assets, stepping up the implementation of the transition from a planned economy to a market economy; implementing uniform prices, keeping the national price of various commodities at roughly the same level as the market price; restricting government spending while shrinking currency to control currency Inflation; the foreign exchange rate of the Vietnamese currency was opened, and the difference between the official exchange rate and the market exchange rate is now very small. Externally, relying on cheap land, labor, and abundant resources, adopt loose and enlightened policies and various preferential measures to attract foreign capital.
6S管理是提升企业形象的有效途径,文章对6S管理的定义、实施方针、目的及推行要领进行简单的介绍。 6S management is an effective way to enhance the corporate image. T
圣诞好!圣诞妙!圣诞就快要来到!想给远方的朋友寄张贺卡吗?那知道祝福语怎么写吗?还是听Sunny姐姐慢慢道来吧!¤·给朋友的祝福·A Christmas wish for my best friend!给我
彗星上有冰美国科学家发现 “坦普尔1号”的彗核表面存在冰块的证据,这是科学家首次直接证明彗星上有冰。握手交换信息日本发明一种仅通过握手就可交换信息的方法, Ice on t
页数J任j皿内h︸J组八︺89曰J任八OJ组.户O ,.三1志n‘序号作者期数 专论1.中国对外经济资易的回顾与展望·································