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他是波军总参谋部的上校高参,也是美国中情局的“王牌”间谍,在长达10 年时间里,他向美国提供了多达4.5万页的绝密情报,被中情局授予“杰出情报工作奖章”。但在秘密出逃后,他也被波兰缺席判处死刑,并遭到了克格勃多年的追杀——冷战期间,美国中央情报局竭力在华约军事机关中物色间谍。前波兰总参谋部上校库克林斯基就是他们培养的“王牌间谍”之一。在长达10年时间里,这个中情局潜伏在华约内部的“鼹鼠”向美国人提供了长达4.5万页的绝密情报。库克林斯基为此而得到的奖赏和惩罚是中情局“杰出情报工作奖章”和被波兰依法判处的死刑。 For 10 years, he has provided up to 45,000 pages of top-secret information to the United States and was awarded “Outstanding Intelligence Work by the CIA,” a high-ranking colonel of Colonel General Staff of the Polish Forces and the “ace” spy of the U.S. CIA. medal“. However, after the secret flight, he was also sentenced to death in Poland in absentia and was killed by KGB for many years - during the Cold War, the CIA tried its best to find spies in the Warsaw Pact military organs. Former Polish general staff Colonel Kuklinski is one of the ”ace spies" they have trained. For 10 years, the CIA’s Mole lurking inside the Warsaw Pact provides 45,000 pages of top-secret information to Americans. Kukulinski’s rewards and penalties for this purpose are the CIA Medal of Outstanding Intelligence and the death penalty imposed by Poland according to law.
(2021年1月20日)美国石油协会(API)周二公布,截至1月15日的一周,原油库存增加256.2×104 bbl.分析师此前预计,本周库存将减少116.7×104 bbl.rn此前一周,API报告原油库存下降