
来源 :会计师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saien
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在新的形势下,市场经济发展将带动会计工作全方位与国际接轨,会计管理工作也将由事务型向管理型转变,会计工作的目标、内容、方式都在发生深刻变化。会计基础工作作为一项长期而复杂的系统工作,传承过去优良的做法,立足本职创新管理才能使企业健康有序发展。 Under the new situation, the development of market economy will bring the accounting work in line with the international standards in all aspects and the accounting management will be transformed from the business-oriented to the management-oriented. The objectives, contents and methods of accounting work are undergoing profound changes. Accounting as a long-term and complex system of work, inheriting the past good practice, based on their own innovation and management in order to enable enterprises to healthy and orderly development.
Dramatic changes have taken place in global environment and sustainable development patterns since 1992, when the United Nations Conference on Environment and D
Significant changes have taken place with regard to the global environment and development since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UN
In the last 30 years, Prof. Richard Corlett has carried out investigations in South and East Asian tropics and was actively engaged in biodiversity conservation
The Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology(TIB) was initiated hand-in-hand by CAS and People’s Government of Tianjin City in March, 2009. Located in the
Dr. Natarajan Ishwaran has been working as Director of the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences of UNESCO and Secretary of the Man and Biosphere Program for many years. In September 2012, after h