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在毛主席革命路线指引下,我县广大贫下中农和干部,以阶级斗争为纲,开展农业学大寨运动,抓革命,促生产,夺得了1976年早稻丰收,总产、单产都超了历史。全县164669亩早稻,平均亩产850斤,比1975年增产52.7斤,还涌现了5个亩产900斤以上的公社,15个亩产千斤以上的大队和187个亩产千斤以上的生产队。在去年早稻生长过程中,全县着重在三个方面打基础,狠抓了三个环节,从而夺得了早稻丰收。 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the majority of poor and middle-level peasants and cadres in our county took the class struggle as the key link, started the Dazhai Campaign in Agriculture, and took the revolution and promoted the production. They won the harvest of early rice in 1976, . The county 164,669 acres of early rice, an average yield of 850 pounds, an increase of 52.7 kg more than in 1975, also emerged in five acres of 900 kilograms of communes, 15 acres of production more than a thousand pounds and 187 acres of production team and above . During the growth of early rice last year, the county laid the foundation for laying stress on three aspects and paid close attention to the three aspects, thus winning the harvest of early rice.
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