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患者女性,52岁,住院号56078。右前额无痛性肿块3月余,逐渐增大,起病后常感头昏,诊断为额窦囊肿,于1979年3月20日入院。1966年曾在某医院作右侧甲状腺肿块切除手术。体检:发育正常,营养欠佳,消瘦,神志清。心肺听诊正常,肝脾未触及。胸透无异常发现。前额右侧隆起2×2cm,皮肤颜色正常,无扩张血管。肿块囊性感,无压痛,四周可触及不规则骨边缘,穿刺无液体。嗅觉正常,眼、耳、鼻、咽喉均无阳性体征查得。颈前右侧甲状腺切口疤痕有部分粘连。X 线摄片提示额窦囊肿。 Female patient, 52 years old, hospital number 56078. The painless mass on the right forehead was more than three months old and gradually increased. He often felt dizziness after onset and was diagnosed as frontal sinus cyst. He was admitted to hospital on March 20, 1979. In 1966, he had undergone a right thyroidectomy at a hospital. Physical examination: normal development, poor nutrition, weight loss, clear mind. Heart and lung auscultation were normal and the liver and spleen were not touched. No chest abnormalities were found. The right side of the forehead bulges 2×2cm, skin color is normal, and there is no dilation of blood vessels. The cyst is sacless, with no tenderness. It can be seen around the edges of irregular bones without puncturing fluid. The sense of smell was normal, and no positive signs were found in the eyes, ears, nose, and throat. There is partial adhesion of the thyroid scar on the right side of the neck. X-rays suggest frontal sinus cysts.
<正> 如今北京的夏季虽已不复有冯至在回忆他早年于北京大学的求学经历时所描绘的那种“淫雨淋得泥泞遍地”的景象,但自然气候似乎并无多大的改变。今年,正是在多雨的仲夏时节,《外国文学评论》编辑部迎来了“20世纪外国文学”高级研讨班的参加者们。
The prince des Dombes once said:“ Nothing arouses me but taste. ” He wouldhave been a disappointing match for a vigorous girl. You can imagine her hanginga ro
我们于1975年1月至1983年10月对门诊、病房有胃症状的病人,经纤维胃镜及活检证实的慢性萎缩性胃炎(简称 CAG)78例进行胃镜及病理组织学随访观察,分析如下。方法与资料一、方
低位直肠癌是指肿瘤距肛门8cm 以下者,以往我们都是行腹会阴联合切除,人工肛门。近年我们对6~8cm 早期直肠癌行前切除,用吻合器行低位结直肠对端吻合5例,均成功保留了肛门。
患者、男、61岁,左侧颌下腺无症状结节6周,近来疑增大,无局部或者全身症状(包括泌尿系统症状)。用抗菌素治疗无效,切除病变腺体后,做泌尿系统X 线检查,确诊为左侧肾癌。于第