
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kar123
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不久前召开的党的十三届三中全会指出:当前,要以治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序和全面深化改革为中心内容,向全党和全国人民进行一次广泛、深入的形势教育。为了给正在进行的农村党员冬训提供一个进行形势教育的参考材料,我们约请省委有关部门的一些同志赶写了这个《农村党员冬训形势教育讲痤》。各地农村同志运用这个《讲座》进行形势教育时,要紧密联系当地的实际问题和党员提出的疑问,根据党的方针政策,实事求是地加以分析和解答,以使教育实际、生动,富有成效。这个《讲座》,对城市、工矿企事业单位和机关、学校的同志进行形势教育,也有一定参考价值。 The Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee recently held pointed out: At present, we should conduct an extensive and in-depth education on the situation for the entire party and the people throughout the country with the contents of governing the economic environment, reorganizing the economic order and deepening the overall reform. In order to provide a reference material for the ongoing winter training of rural Party members for situation education, we invited some comrades from relevant departments of the provincial Party Committee to write this report on “rural party members' winter education situation education.” When using this “lecture” for situation education, all local rural comrades must closely contact with the actual problems on the ground and the questions raised by party members and analyze and answer truthfully and truthfully according to the party's principles and policies in order to make education practical, vivid and fruitful. This “lecture” also has some reference value for the situation education of cities, industrial and mining enterprises and institutions and school comrades.
思想政治工作是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容 ,是现代化管理的重要手段 ,是搞好各项工作的生命线。它对于凝聚人心、调动人的积极性、激发人的创造性 ,具有十分重要的作用
集中精力抓落实——把思想政治工作真正做到基层,做到群众中去 思想政治工作“落空”容易落实难。贯彻省委思想政治工作会议精神,加强和改进我省思想政治工作,要做的工作很
Progressive liver fibrosis is a major health issue for which no effective treatment is available,leading to cirrhosis and orthotopic liver transplantation.Howev