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行政异化,是指行政机关及其人员在行使宪法和法律赋予的行政权力的过程中不当行使、滥施行政权力,从而造成行政法治的不正常的现象。其主要表现形式有行政不当、行政性垄断。为有效控制行政异化,应采取如下措施:完善并切实实施公务员法,提高公务员素质及公共政策决策的科学性和公开性,完善行政监督机制;在完善立法加强司法的同时,强化政府间的协商机制。 Administrative alienation refers to the improper exercise of executive powers and excessive abuse of administrative power by administrative agencies and their personnel in exercising the administrative power conferred by the Constitution and laws, resulting in the abnormal phenomenon of administrative law. Its main manifestations are administrative improper, administrative monopoly. In order to effectively control the alienation of administration, we should take the following measures: perfect and implement civil servant law, improve the scientific and openness of civil servants’ quality and decision-making of public policy, perfect the administrative supervision mechanism; strengthen the consultation among governments while perfecting the legislation and strengthening the administration of justice mechanism.
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President Hu Jintao, also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met repres
The Shanghai Airport(Group)Co Ltd,set up onMay28,1998with approval of the ShanghaiMunicipal government,is China’s first of the kindgoverned by local government
据悉,脱墨工业国际协会(INGEDE)成功说服欧洲造纸工业联合会(CEPI),脱墨系统产生和使用的皂化物不需要REACH注册。另外,依据REACH指引 It is reported that the INGEDE succ