
来源 :中国包装工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyaping121416
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包装行业被誉为“永不落幕的朝阳行业”,而医药包装无疑是包装业中不可分割的重要组成部分。目前,我国有65%的医药包装产品还达不到发达国家20世纪80年代的水平,医药包装对医药产业的贡献率偏低。发达国家的医药包装约占药品总价值的30%,而我国的比例还不足10%。这一现实警示医药包装工作者:我们已到了该盘点、该思考这个产业的发展及其市场的时候了。据估计,世界药品包装市场容量到2007年将达到222亿美元。目前,高速度、低效益、高消耗的粗放型增长还是我国医药包装业发展的典型特征,国内大多数医药产品的包装质量档次偏低,与发达国家存在较大差距;我国医药包装行业相关法规及技术标准落后,与国际标准存在一定距离。行业标准体系的缺乏,造成医药产品包装良莠不齐的局面。据行业专家分析,我国药用包装企业目前的现状不容乐观,医药包装业总产值在200亿元左右,仅能满足制药业80%的需求。有半数的生产企业未达到生产标准,防伪手段单一,总体科技含量不高。而在这种“内忧”之下,外资企业联手抢夺市场的行动又将给国内医药包装企业带来更大的压力。我国加入WTO后,制药企业必须提高药品质量和包装技术含量,消除贸易壁垒,积极参与到国际市场的竞争中。如今,国外众多重量级医药企业纷纷在我国落户,这无疑也为我? Packaging industry known as the “never-ending sunrise industry,” and pharmaceutical packaging is undoubtedly an integral part of the packaging industry. At present, 65% of China’s pharmaceutical packaging products also fail to reach the level of the developed countries in the 1980s, and the contribution rate of pharmaceutical packaging to the pharmaceutical industry is low. Pharmaceutical packaging in developed countries accounts for about 30% of the total value of medicines, while the proportion of our country is less than 10%. This reality Warning pharmaceutical packaging worker: We have the inventory to the development of this industry thinking and time to market. It is estimated that the capacity of the world pharmaceutical packaging market will reach 22.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2007. At present, the extensive growth of high speed, low efficiency and high consumption is still the typical feature of the development of China’s pharmaceutical packaging industry. The packaging quality of most domestic pharmaceutical products is of low quality with a big gap with that of developed countries. The relevant laws and regulations of China’s pharmaceutical packaging industry And technical standards behind, and international standards there is a certain distance. The lack of industry standard system, resulting in mixed good and bad medical product packaging situation. According to the analysis of experts in the industry, the current status of pharmaceutical packaging enterprises in our country is not optimistic. The total output value of pharmaceutical packaging industry is about 20 billion yuan, which can only meet the needs of 80% of the pharmaceutical industry. Half of the manufacturing enterprises did not meet the production standards, a single anti-counterfeiting measures, the overall scientific and technological content is not high. Under such “internal worries”, the joint operation of foreign-funded enterprises to snatch the market will bring more pressure to domestic pharmaceutical packaging enterprises. After China’s accession to the WTO, pharmaceutical companies must improve the quality of medicines and packaging technology, eliminate trade barriers and actively participate in the competition in the international market. Today, many foreign heavyweight pharmaceutical companies have settled in China, which is undoubtedly also for me?
市场研究机构Research and Markets目前发布报告显示,到2018年,全球可穿戴电子产品市场的规模将达到83亿美元,未来5年的年复合增长率预计高达17.71%。报告称:“目前,科技行业巨头和