1 抗日战争初期,国民党军政当局根据作战战区不断扩展的形势,为了组织和协调各战区的战地救护和医疗工作,更便于集中领导与管理,于1938年6月在长沙将战时救护委员会及有关医护、医疗事业的人员,改组成立了中国红十字总会救护总队.救护总队与国民党行政院卫生署在长沙合办“卫生署战时卫生人员训练总所”,招收社会上医护人员及流亡青年,
In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Kuomintang military and government authorities, in accordance with the ever-expanding situation in the theater of operations, organized and coordinated field ambulance and medical work in various theater zones and facilitated centralized leadership and management. In June 1938, the Wartime Ambulance Committee and the Medical care and medical services, the restructured the establishment of the Chinese Red Cross Ambulance Corps ambulance corps and the KMT Executive Yuan Department of Health jointly organized in Changsha, “Department of Health wartime health personnel training center” to recruit medical staff and the community exile youth ,