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兴国县平川中学为了全校政治课教学能够贯彻理论联系实际原则,用马克思主义、毛泽东思想武装学生,多年来带领政治教师克服片面追求升学率的倾向,大胆进行教学改革,其中一项重要改革是设计、运用了“四会·五字”教学法。“四会”即小组讨论会、专题辩论会、学习心得汇报会、时事报告会。“四会”教学法的显著特点是把以老师讲授为主转到以学生看书、质疑、讨论为主;把以传授知识为主转变到以解决思想认识问题提高学生的觉悟和能力为主;把时事政治学习以老师考前印资料、抓重点、背条条为主转到注重平时学习、平时积累为主。一句话,就是由以升学考试为主转变到以提高毕业生素质为主。试验结果,学生的知识面更宽了,思想更活跃了,学得更主动、更积极、更扎实了。不但思想素质有了明显提高,文化素质也逐步提高,八九、九0两年高考都获得赣州地区政治单科最高分和人均第一、二名。 Xingchuan County Pingchuan Middle School has been able to carry out the principle of integrating theory with practice for the teaching of politics in the whole school. Armed with Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought, the political teachers have over the years overcome the unilateral tendency of pursuing higher education rates and boldly carried out teaching reforms. One of the important reforms is design. The use of the “four sessions and five words” teaching method. The “four sessions” are panel discussions, thematic debates, learning experiences, and current affairs reports. The distinctive feature of the “Sihui” teaching method is that it shifts from teaching as a teacher to focusing on student reading, questioning, and discussion; changes from imparting knowledge to solving problems of ideology and understanding to improve student awareness and ability; The study of current affairs politics is based on the teacher’s pre-examination of printed materials, grasping of key points, and backswings. In a word, it is the change from taking the entrance examination to improving the quality of graduates. As a result of the test, the students’ knowledge is broader, their minds are more active, and they learn more actively, more actively, and more solidly. Not only have the ideological qualities improved significantly, but also the quality of the culture has gradually increased. The college entrance examinations in 1989 and 1990 were the highest scores in the political department of Perak and the first and second highest per capita.
地处赣东北山区的沱口小学,是一所规模不大的村级完小,七个教学班,十三名教师,其中民师七名,三百名学生。 近几年来,我们认真贯彻党的教育方针,坚 Located in the northeast
不久前,听一位教师上公开课,教材是《将相和》。课终是这样进行的:师:这篇课文讲完了,谁还有什么问题? Not long ago, I listened to a teacher who gave an open class. Th
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