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土地不仅是农民的生产资料,也是他们的生活保障。基于此,今年3月新华社受权发布的《国务院关于解决农民工问题的若干意见》强调,不得以农民进城务工为由收回承包地,纠正违法收回农民工承包地的行为。《意见》指出,要保护农民工土地承包权益,要坚持农村基本经营制度,稳定和完善 Land is not only a means of production of peasants, but also a guarantee of their livelihood. Based on this, the State Council’s “Opinions of the State Council on Solving the Migrant Workers Issues” promulgated by Xinhua News Agency in March this year emphasize that it is forbidden to withdraw contracted land on the ground that peasants migrate to cities to work and correct illegal behaviors of recovering contracted land of migrant workers. The Opinions pointed out: To protect the contractual rights and interests of migrant workers in land, we must uphold the basic management system in rural areas, stabilize and improve
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辽宁省宽甸县关工委为进一步贯彻落实中央有关文件精神,继续加强和改进未成年人思 The Kuandian County Working Committee of Liaoning Province continued to strengthen
2009年3月24日,全球领先的电力和自动化技术集团ABB在瑞士宣布,该公司成功研制出世界上电压等级最高的气体绝 On March 24, 2009, ABB, the world’s leading power and aut
我常常会呆呆地望着天空,埋怨上帝:“既然把我降临到大地上,为什么不给予我天赋呢?”每当看见那些能歌善舞的人在进行 I often stare blankly at the sky, complaining to G