《转角遇到爱》中个性鲜明的人物想必迷倒了无数粉丝。那么你的性格又跟这些迷人的角色有几分相像呢?来和小编一起看下你最适合扮演哪个角色吧,要认真做题目哦! 1.你是一个容易和他人吵架的人吗? a.YES—2 b.NO—3 2.你特别喜欢看偶像剧吗?
“Corner Encounter Love” distinctive personality must have lost countless fans. Then your character and these charming characters somewhat similar to it? And Xiaobian together to see which one is most suitable for you to play it, to seriously do the topic! 1. You are a person who is easy to quarrel with others? a.YES-2 b.NO-3 2. Do you like idol dramas in particular?