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目的:观察马钱子与白术配伍前后对大鼠佐剂性关节炎(AA)的影响筛选最佳配伍比例。方法:建立AA大鼠模型,将马钱子与白术不同配比水煎剂通过灌胃给药,用游标卡尺测定各组大鼠2、4、18h及1、4、8、12、16、20、24、28、32d右后足足跖厚度,造模前、造模后4、8、12、16、20、24、28、32d左后足足跖厚度,观察滑膜组织病理切片,计算免疫器官系数;取血后分别测定血清一氧化氮(NO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果:配伍白术较单用马钱子对AA大鼠的关节肿胀度有显著抑制作用,可使胸腺和脾系数均减小,且可降低血清中NO和MDA含量,升高SOD水平。结论:马钱子配伍白术可防治AA,并对免疫系统有保护作用,其作用机制与降低脂质过氧化、恢复抗氧化酶活性有关。其较佳配伍比例为马钱子配伍白术1∶6。 Objective: To observe the effects of Strychnos nux-vomica and Atractylodes macrocephala on the adjuvant arthritis (AA) in rats before and after screening to select the best compatibility ratio. Methods: The rat model of AA was established. The different doses of Strychnos nux - vomica and Atractylodes macrocephalae were administered orally by gavage. The rats were sacrificed by vernier calipers for 2, 4, 18 hours and 1, 4, 8, 12, , 24,28,32 d right foot plantar thickness, before modeling, 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32 d after modeling left foot plantar thickness, observe the synovial tissue sections, calculate Immune organ coefficient; Blood levels of serum nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined respectively. Results: Atractylodes macrocephala was more effective than nuxerattin alone in reducing the degree of swelling of joints in AA rats, and could reduce the thymus and spleen coefficient, decrease the content of NO and MDA in serum and increase the level of SOD. Conclusion: Strychnos compatibility with Atractylodes macrocephala can prevent and protect the immune system, its mechanism of action and reduce lipid peroxidation, restore antioxidant enzyme activity. The better compatibility ratio of Strychnos compatibility Atractylodes 1: 6.
半闭弯尾姬蜂Diadegma semiclausum是小菜蛾Plutella xylostella的优势内寄生蜂,拥有毒液、多分DNA病毒(PDV)等寄生因子,能有效调控寄主幼虫的营养生理和免疫系统,但其毒液在
(本刊讯 )宁夏社会科学优秀成果第八次评选结果日前揭晓 ,宁夏图书馆学会评报的本会会员 6项成果分获二、三等奖。其中 ,潘玉田、陈永刚合著的《中西文献交流史》(北京图书馆
20 0 2年 4月 2 8日 ,天津市图书馆学会第五次会员代表大会在津隆重举行。来自我市各级、各系统的会员代表 1 2 1人参加了本次大会。中国图书馆学会副理事长、国家图书馆副馆
异位妊娠是妇产科常见的急腹症之一 ,发病率为0 .3 3 %~ 2 % [1 ] 。但如能早期诊断 ,及时治疗 ,可减轻病人痛苦及挽救其生命 ,以往多以手术治疗为主 ,但随着医学技术的发展 ,