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一、现状与问题 (一) 现状随着人们对“高起点、大批量、专业化”认识的提高和对产业结构的不断调整,“七五”期间我国轴承行业专业锻造厂出现了可喜的进展,具体表现在以下几个方面。 1.专业厂点增多,专业化程度逐步提高。据不完全统计,目前,我国轴承行业的轴承锻造专业厂约有15~20个,其生产能力约为1亿套/年。1989年轴承专业锻造厂生产的套圈锻件约占全国轴承锻件产量的20%左右;而“六五”期间,专业轴承锻造厂仅上海轴承锻造厂一家,其专业锻造厂的产量仅占全国产量的3%左右。“七五”期间专业化程度比“六五”期间提高了15%。目前,搜集到的专业轴承锻造厂的简况见表1。 2.专业化生产已引起各级领导重视,并在规划工作中有所体现。轴承行业各级领导,普遍认识 I. Status Quo and Problems (I) Current situation With the improvement of people’s understanding of “high starting point, large quantities, and specialization” and continuous adjustment of industrial structure, there has been gratifying progress in the professional forging plants of China’s bearing industry during the “7th Five-Year Plan” period. The specific performance in the following areas. 1. The number of professional factories increased and the degree of specialization gradually increased. According to incomplete statistics, at present, there are about 15 to 20 professional bearing forging factories in the bearing industry in China, and their production capacity is about 100 million sets per year. In 1989, bearing ring forgings produced by professional bearing forging plants accounted for about 20% of the total output of bearing forgings in the country; and during the “6th Five-Year Plan” period, professional bearing forging plants were only one of the Shanghai bearing forging plants, and the output of their professional forging plants only accounted for the national output. About 3%. The degree of specialization during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period was 15% higher than that during the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period. At present, the summary of the specialized bearing forging plants collected is shown in Table 1. 2. Specialized production has attracted the attention of leaders at all levels and is reflected in the planning work. Leaders at all levels of the bearing industry generally recognize
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