1982年,六盘山区的9月,阴雨连绵.那天,马世科冒着雨,踩着泥泞,背着铺盖卷,走了30多里山路,来到杨河中学 他打问到给自已安排的房子,放下行中,被雨淋得精湿的身子冷得直打颤 他想生火烤烤,可学校里找不到一点煤.这是号称中国贫穷之冠的宁夏南部山区的一所初级中学.因为穷,因为管理不善,学校办了10年,越办越糟,校长换了好几任,都因实在干不下去而离开,有的校长干了一段时间就说:”“宁肯工资不要,也不在这搭儿干了!”
In September, Liupanshan saw a rainy and rainy september in September, when he stormed the muddy, covered with muddy cloth and walked over the mountain for more than 30 years. He went to Yanghe Middle School and asked for his own house, Put down the line, the body was soaked wet dew Lengzhi he wanted to fire roasted, can not find a little coal in school.This is known as the crown of poverty in southern Ningxia a junior high school.Because poor Because of poor management, the school for 10 years, getting worse and worse, the principal for several, all because it really can not go away, and some principals have done for some time said: “” Do not want wages, not here Dad dry!