用好政策工具 守住经济基本盘——中央国家机关各部门稳增长举措综述

来源 :紫光阁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxjxz33371
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4月20日起,各类存款类金融机构下调存款准备金率1个百分点,并有针对性地实施定向降准;3月最后一周,楼市调控新政密集出台——调整供地节奏与结构、二套住房贷款首付比例调低至40%、个人购买2年以上的普通住宅对外销售免征营业税……这些都是中央国家机关各部门积极落实党中央、国务院决策部署,服务稳增长调结构的举措。 April 20, all types of deposit-taking financial institutions to reduce the deposit reserve ratio by 1 percentage point, and targeted targeted RRR; the last week of March, the new regulation of the property market intensively introduced - adjust the rhythm and structure for supply, The down payment of two sets of housing loans is reduced to 40%, and ordinary residences purchased for more than 2 years are exempt from sales tax on foreign sales ...... These are all departments of the central state organs that actively implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the steady growth of services Move.
几点了,天空像紫檀色的幕笼向城市,所有的人都在逃离“舞台”上的角色,脚步匆匆把郊外的那个背景甩得很远很远豁然间夜幔 What time, the sky like the curtain of red sand
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