
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyray
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这次预备役部队调整改革,是党中央、中央军委高瞻远瞩,科学分析国际国内形势发展变化,着眼推进中国特色军事变革,加强国防和军队现代化建设作出的重大战略决策,是我军建设史上的一件大事。各级一定要创造性地抓好落实,努力把我区预备役部队建设提高到一个新水平。 The readjustment and reform of the reserve forces is a major strategic decision made by the party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in taking the long-term and long-term perspective, scientifically analyzing the developments and changes in international and domestic situations, focusing on promoting the military reform with Chinese characteristics and strengthening the national defense and the modernization of the armed forces. This is a piece of our army’s history event. All levels must creatively grasp the implementation and strive to raise the reserve reserve forces in our region to a new level.
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香港向为中国爆竹输往海外之港口,最近更进军南美,据定期为香港及南美提供航线服务之本港少数船公司之一,渣华轮船公司一位行政人员称,自今年初以来,托付该公司货轮输 Hong
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以往仅能在固定的时间、地点或是以固定的方式享受多媒体影音的型态已渐成为过去式,集合家庭影音设备以及计算机的多媒体中心产品越来越能受到消费者的认同,因此打造一间随处可乐的数字娱乐居家不再只是梦想。本文将透过串连各式崭新的娱乐应用新品,让读者对2007年消费电子发展脉动能具体掌握。    数字生活的战火蔓延至今,数字家庭的概念正不断快速地前进着:从客厅、卧房乃至个人手持的各种多媒体娱乐产品,各大厂商无
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We once had a whole week of life in the army camp. It was a life full of happinessand interest. That was in the first year of my primary school. All of us were