Comprehensive Analysis of College English Achievement Test of USST

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With the development of language testing,unlike the previous situation that teachers or researchers designed a test blindly,more and more teachers or researchers use theories and methods of language testing to design a new test or examine whether a test is good.With the help of the software,SPSS16.0,this essay makes use of theories and principles of language testing to analyze the College English Achievement Test(Band 3,A) of USST,especially the part,cloze.This essay analyzes the whole test and then it analyzes cloze in detail.By doing these,teachers in USST can realize whether this test is scientific and qualified for testing students' real language knowledge and abilities.Besides,teachers can learn experience from this analysis and avoid mistakes which happen in this test when they design a new test in future. With the development of language testing, unlike the previous situation that teachers or habits designed test blindly, more and more teachers or researchers use theories and methods of language testing to design a new test or examine whether a test is good .With the help of the software, SPSS16.0, this essay makes use of theories and principles of language testing to analyze the College English Achievement Test (Band 3, A) of USST, especially the part, cloze.This essay analyzes the whole test and then it analyzes teachers can learn experience from this analysis and avoid mistakes which which in this test when they design a new test in future.
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