
来源 :中国血吸虫病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgqeye
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目的分析重庆市境外输入性疟疾病例特点,为输入性疟疾防控策略调整提供依据。方法收集2011-2015年重庆市报告的境外输入性疟疾病例流行病学资料,对其虫种、感染地、就诊情况、诊断结果和治疗情况等数据进行描述性分析。结果 2011-2015年重庆市共报告境外输入性疟疾病例148例,其中恶性疟96例(65.54%),间日疟37例(24.32%);非洲国家输入125例(84.46%),东南亚国家输入23例(15.54%)。发病人群主要为30~50岁境外务工的男性工人,男女性别比11.42∶1。病例报告时间无明显季节变化,仅在年中(6-8月)和年初(1-2月)略有集中。从发病到就诊时间中位数为1 d,从就诊到确诊时间中位数为2 d。首诊单位主要集中在县级(50例,33.78%)、省级医疗机构(36例,24.32%)和个体医生(20例,13.51%),78例(52.70%)病例首诊为疟疾。病例规范治疗率95.54%(142/148),有43例(29.05%)出现了较严重的并发症,死亡3例。结论加强多部门合作,建立协查、主动筛查机制,针对境外务工人员开展疟疾防治健康教育,强化基层医疗机构的疟疾防治技术培训,提高首诊医疗机构的疟疾防治意识,是保证输入性疟疾病例规范管理和消除疟疾的重要措施。 Objective To analyze the characteristics of imported malaria cases outside Chongqing and provide the basis for the adjustment of malaria control strategies. Methods Epidemiological data of malaria cases imported from overseas were collected from 2011 to 2015 in Chongqing City. Descriptive analysis was made on the data of worms, infections, visits, diagnosis and treatment. Results A total of 148 imported cases of malaria were reported in Chongqing from 2011 to 2015, of which 96 (65.54%) were Plasmodium falciparum and 37 (24.32%) were Plasmodium vivax; 125 (84.46%) were imported from African countries, 23 cases (15.54%). The incidence of mainly male workers 30 to 50-year-old migrant workers, male to female ratio of 11.42: 1. There was no significant seasonal change in case reporting time, with only a slight concentration in mid-year (June-August) and beginning of the year (January-February). The median time from onset to treatment was 1 d, and the median time from diagnosis to diagnosis was 2 days. The first treatment units were mainly at the county level (50 cases, 33.78%), provincial-level medical institutions (36 cases, 24.32%) and individual doctors (20 cases, 13.51%), and 78 cases (52.70%) were first diagnosed as malaria. The standard treatment rate of cases was 95.54% (142/148), 43 cases (29.05%) had more severe complications and 3 died. Conclusions Strengthen multisectoral cooperation, establish a mechanism of investigation and proactive screening, provide malaria prevention and health education for overseas workers, strengthen malaria prevention and control training in primary medical institutions, and raise awareness of malaria prevention and treatment in first-out medical institutions so as to ensure malaria cases of imported malaria Important measures to regulate and eliminate malaria.
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GB/T 1031—1995 表面粗糙度 参数及其数值 非等效ISO 468:1982GB/T 3478.1—1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 模数 基本齿廓 公差 等效ISO 4156:1981GB/T 3478.2—1995 圆柱直齿渐
据台湾媒体报道,中国台湾台北市有关方面前不久审查通过“台北市漫画及人体出版品租售管理自治条例草案”,对漫画和人体出版品采取分级管理德办法进行管理。 According to