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1998年12月,亚洲地区包装联合会传来消息:中国山东泰安宋昌华先生选送的两幅作品“泰山煎饼”和“天使茶”双双荣获“亚洲之星”设计大奖。宋昌华先生是中国9位获奖者中唯一的“双星”得主,这是从泰山上升起的第一颗“亚洲之星”。宋昌华,1965年生于山东肥城。1986年毕业于山东轻工美术学院工艺设计专业,曾在泰安市印刷厂设计室从事平面设计多年,现任泰安市大昌企业形象设计公司设计总监、高级美术师。见面伊始,宋昌华侃侃而谈。 December 1998, Asia Packaging Federation came the news: China’s Shandong Tai’an Mr. Song Changhua selected two works “Mount Tai Pancake ” and “Angel Tea ” won both “Star of Asia ” design award. Mr. Song Changhua is the only “Double Star” winner among the nine Chinese winners. This is the first “Star of Asia” rising from Mount Tai. Song Changhua, born in 1965 in Shandong Feicheng. He graduated from Shandong Institute of Light Industry and Technology in 1986, majoring in process design. He had been engaged in graphic design for many years in the design office of Tai’an Printing Factory. Currently, he is the design director and senior artist of Dachang Enterprise Image Design Co., Ltd. in Taian City. At the beginning of the meeting, Song Changhua talked about.
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