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在草海泥炭中检测出30多个不同结构的藿酸化合物,其中一些新化合物的发现对了解藿酸的立体构型变化和在地质体中的赋存状态有重要意义;通过对游离的藿酸和干酪根进行的3套热模拟实验,对藿酸的地质演化历史获得了进一步的了解.藿酸化合物多数来源于成岩作用阶段以前微生物对C_(35)的原始藿类先质的改造;在干酪根形成过程中,许多藿酸进入大分子网络中,主要是以弱作用力束缚于其中,此外还有酯键以及弱作用力或酯键与醚键的混和联接方式;在干酪根受热的最初,大量的藿酸即被释放;藿酸的立体构型分布主要受成岩作用以前的微生物作用的控制,但在热力作用下有较小变化. More than 30 different structures of hopolinate compounds were detected in Caohai peat. The discovery of some new compounds is of great significance in understanding the changes of the configuration of ogonic acid and the state of occurrence in geological bodies. Acid and kerogen, we get a further understanding of the history of evolution of oat acid.Gao acid compounds are mainly derived from the transformation of the original gossypol precursors of C_ (35) by microorganisms before the diagenesis stage. In kerogen formation, many oat acid into the macromolecule network, mainly bound to it with a weak force, in addition to the ester bond and the weak force or the ester bond and ether bond coupling mode; in kerogen heat At first, a large amount of ogonic acid was released. The distribution of ogonic acid was mainly controlled by the previous microbial action of diagenesis, but with minor changes under the action of heat.
本文介绍了小口径井求K的抽水试验方法,适于岩土工程勘察.该方法通过实例证明施工方便,经济. This paper introduces the pumping test method of small diameter wells for
1引言 地震地层方法(Mitchum等,1977;Vail等,1977;Sangree,1979;Ringis,1986)已用于研究越南的构造复杂的陆架及鉴别非背斜油气圈闭。对薄过渡层的基本地震响应和地层层序的
论述了克东县生态公益林中天然次生林的分布特征和天然次生林的林相特点,根据以上特点论述了天然次生林的经营措施。 The distribution characteristics of natural seconda
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